453 – Nice Rack, Joe!
First up in the news: Linux Mint 22.1 “Xia” released, Parallels can finally run x86 versions of Linux on Apple Silicon, German router maker is latest company to inadvertently clarify the LGPL license, Google and Linux Foundation form Chromium love club
In security and privacy: Microsoft patches Windows to eliminate Secure Boot bypass threat,
Then in our Wanderings: Joe enjoys prepares his rack , Dale does routing , and Eric shares 80s kid culture with his kid.
452 – Prognostication Pandemonium!
First up in the news: Not a lot of Linux news….but a lot of Mint News with 22.1 BETA Released
Then in our Wanderings: Joe prepares the innards, Bill enjoys some butter with his jelly, Eric does nothing, Moss takes a break and All roads lead to Ubuntu for Majid
In our Innards section: A look back at last years predictions, and making some predictions for 2025
And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions
451 – Cinnamon Toast
First up in the news: mintCast turned 16 while we weren’t watching, Mint 22.1 being tested, Cinnamon 6.4 Desktop Environment released, US lawyers pushing Google to divest Chrome, El Capitan takes the lead
In security and privacy: Hackers push fake BitWarden updates, Chinese hackers push Linux-focused WolfsBane, WordPress security flaw gives hackers admin access
Then in our Wanderings: Bill cools the runnings, Joe cools his printer, Moss cools his ereaders, Majid gives in to temptation, and Eric finds value and delight in his secondhand hardware.
450 – Crumbling Foundations
First up in the news: Mint Monthly News – October 2024, Xfce 4.20 Pre1 Pre-Release Published For Testing, KDE's New Distro, Mozilla Foundation crumbles as third of staff cast off
In security and privacy: We are secure in our ignorance
Then in our Wanderings: Bill upgrades fast, and breaks things, Joe fixes even more things, Moss goes paperwhite, and Majid headbangs.
In our Innards section: We talk digital Hygene
And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions
449 – 3D Podcasting
First up in the news: Ubuntu 25.04 gets perfect name, WinAmp deletes entire Github code, Ubuntu 24.10 released for Snapdragon X Elite, Arm cancels Qualcomm’s architecture license, Paranoia and Fear inhabit Automattic, Internet Archive breached again, Rand removal of Russian coders spurs debate about Linux kernel’s politics
In security and privacy: Concerns raised over Bitwarden, Fortigate Admins Report Active Zero-Day Exploit
Then in our Wanderings: Joe mods, Moss gets edumacated, and Eric times out
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