
Hi my name is Majid, a self-confessed nerd and geek of all things tech. Got into computing when I was 7 with my trusty Amstrad CPC 464. This then developed into an unhealthy obsession with Amigas (the computer not the girlfriends!). This continue until I hit 15 and discovered Heavy Metal and Girls. This was also around the time that Commodore went bust, and end of the Amiga story. It was also the year the PSOne came out (1995ish), something I completely missed out on.

Even though I was a nerd, my career isnt in IT. I am a medical doctor, and Anaesthesiologist treating a large variety of patients but specialising in orthopedic and paediatric patients. Understandably this took a lot of my time in undergraduate qualifications, postgraduate qualifications, 56-72 hour shift work etc etc. Also had a lot more family responsibilities and so it was 2010 when I finally got some time/space/cognitive bandwidth to get back into Tech. This started with Android smartphones, and then into Linux the following year. This then led into writing for some tech websites and then into podcasting! Initially on mobile phones, then branched out into my own podcast The Atypical Anaesthetist (now renamed as The Atypical Doctor Podcast) and now a regular on Mintcast and LinuxOTC. I still enjoy heavy metal, and (after a few health scares) become a real gym enthusiast.

You can get hold of me on [email protected] @atypicaldr870 on X, AtypicalDr on instagram, The Atypical Doctor Podcast on Spotify and also Linux OTC.

Linux Mint

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