375.5 – One Is the Loneliest Number

1:46 Linux Innards
42:07 Vibrations from the Ether
51:07 Check This Out
54:28 Announcements & Outro

In our Innards section, fragmentation
And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

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Linux Innards

  • Joe
    • Inevitable
    • Innovative
    • Provides an outlet for many
    • Yes it is somewhat daunting for a new linux user to pick that first distro
  • Tony
    • One of the benefits and one of the drawbacks of a free and open culture in Linux. Some loved Distributions over the years have started because someone wanted things in ‘Their’ Linux system to be a certain way and initially released an ISO to share with others, some of these even live on after the original creator moves on.
    • Gives a wide variety of choices to the user. DE wise for me if Gnome was  the only option I would probably have gone back to Windows even windows 10 is more to my liking as a DE
    • As for Distroes the issue again is choice, some like a lightweight minimal system and only install the apps they use, while some prefer all the bells and whistles to be installed. This is also helpful if offline for long periods or on a Data capped ISP
  • Norbert
    • Choice of defaults
    • Not all may work
  • Josh
    • Freedom of choice lies at the heart of free open source software and is preferable to less choice
    • Good for devs as they get to work on the projects they are passionate about
    • Good for users who get to experience the vision of the devs
    • Differentiates Linux from proprietary OS’s
    • Choice paralysis is a thing but not in this case
    • Arguments for this being the reason that proprietary software companies don’t cater to Linux has been nullified by universal package formats
    • Drawback is that applications utilizing non-native toolkit can appear out of place

Vibrations from the Ether

Check This Out



Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible …

  • Norbert for our audio production
  • Leo for timestamps and publishing
  • Josh Lowe for all his work on the website
  • Hobstar for our logo
  • initrd for the animated Discord logo
  • Londoner for our time sync
  • Bytemark Hosting for hosting mintcast.org and our Mumble server
  • Archive.org for hosting our audio files
  • HPR for our backup Mumble room
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about <Thanks, Clem!>

One Reply to “375.5 – One Is the Loneliest Number”

  1. Henrik Hemrin


    Your innards today, the format of a more free discussion, worked well. But also the traditional way works well. I believe, the free discussion requires more attention so all hosts have their voice, and that you really listen to each other. Good this time!

    Tony Hughes: It has been a pleasure listen to you! Your Linux knowledge and views, your bread baking and so on, your British view and accent. If you return, welcome, else and in any case, thanks for this period! Best wishes!

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