Tag: KDE

  • mintCast 204 – Mint 17 KDE & Xfce

    204] Download News: Qiana ‘v2’ ISO respins issued by Mint team (linuxmint.com) Is the KDE desktop stagnant? Jack Wallen thinks so (techrepublic.com) Where is the KDE desktop going? (dot.kde.org) Intuit […]

  • mintCast 188 – Mint 16 KDE and Xfce

    188] Download PreShow Music: Beginner’s Luck by Lindalou and Michael Ryge (jamendo.com) still on the hill by deejoke (jamendo.com) News: Petra backports available in Linux Mint 13 – The most […]

  • mintCast 168 – Mint 15 Xfce and KDE

    168] Download News: Razor and LXDE-Qt have decided to merge (groups.google.com) Wine 1.6 released (webupd8.org) (winehq.org) Ubuntu forums get hacked (zdnet.com) The H is closing down (h-online.com) http://archive.org/download/mintcast168/mintcast168.oggPodcast: Play in […]

  • mintCast 156: Ken Starks

    Listen: mintcast156.mp3 or mintcast156.ogg News: GNOME or KDE? The Old Question Is New Today. (Datamation.com ) Development begins on a lightweight KDE version. (H-Online.com )(KDE.org ) Cinnarch drops Cinnamon for […]

  • Episode 106: Mint 12 KDE vs Netrunner Dryland 4.1

    News: Mint 12 LXDE goes gold (LinuxMint Blog) Nvidia joins the Linux Foundation (ZDNet) Raspberry PI News: Official O/S, Fedora PI remix available for download… (OStatic) …and Production hits snag […]

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