mintCast 168 – Mint 15 Xfce and KDE

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The Main Topic: Mint 15 Xfce & Mint 15 KDE

Tip & Website in one:

  • Conky Manager is a graphical front-end for managing Conky config files. It provides options to start/stop, browse and edit Conky themes installed on the system. Packages are currently available in Launchpad for Ubuntu and derivatives. (

Podcast Announcements:

  • Remember that Reglue is holding an indiegogo fundraiser to secure funding for operations for the coming year. You can help out by making any donation you can afford. (

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Hosts: Rob, Scott, James
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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

11 Replies to “mintCast 168 – Mint 15 Xfce and KDE”

  1. ioconnor

    The full URL needs to be frequently mentioned to make it convenient for listeners. Though I have similar feelings about canonical I’d rather have people put their money with them than on most things. Keep in mind Mint stands on the toes of canonical.

    I do feel the world needs another phone. Something much more open than we have now. As much as canonical has gone down a dark path if they can break a path for the rest of us it will be useful.

  2. ssjdrn

    Uh, you don’t need to install Chromium from the AUR. Just do sudo pacman -S chromium. I guess you thought the package was called “chromium-browser”.

      • 1337hackersysadmin

        You can use pacman -Ss to search for packages. There is a Pacman Rosetta on the Arch Wiki if you need to see what commands from apt translate into pacman. There is also an entry on “The Arch Way”.

  3. Bob

    I do not use Wine at all. I dualboot between Debian 7 and Windows 7. Under Windows I have software, like Adobe Lightroom 4, Photoshop Elements 9, and various photography plugins that do not run under Wine at all. I also have software like GR Level 3 (weather program), that also doesn’t run under Wine. Even though I love using Linux, the Windows software I use needs to be run natively for best performance and compatibility. Until Linux is supported by these companies, I will always need to do a dualboot. Virtualization is not an option, for these resource intensive apps. Plus another big reason I don’t use Wine, is that if you want to keep your Windows apps updated, unless Wine supports your updated Windows apps, your going to run into compatibility problems.

  4. Daniel Davidson

    I don’t really agree that the people who choose to fund the Ubuntu Edge phone wouldn’t care about charitable causes and/or are gullible, but I do agree there are far more worthy causes than some new shiny gadget. I’m glad you had that discussion as I didn’t know about the Indiegogo for Reglue, it looks like a really great charity so I donated $25 which is all I can afford at the moment. One thing I’ll say, and I am not trying to be mean, but when I go to their website it doesn’t mention it on the front page (or at least I can’t see it), they really should be promoting it massively there.

    Also with the phone, by all accounts it has already been designed. Unless I am way off they are just raising the money to do a production run, as manufacturing things like this is not possible at low volume. If you divide their goal by $720 you get 50,000 units, so I guess this is probably the minimum they can get away with. I have not put myself down for one, but I am intrigued by the concept of the Ubuntu Phone, you never know it could lead to distros for phones (or convergence devices as the phone part is less and less relevant anyway).

    • bitmono

      Just to add to previous comment, been thinking about it and this is definitely an ‘aspirational’ device, reminds me of the Chrome Pixel in a lot of ways. The kind of tech I would like to see Ubuntu Phone OS powering is low cost devices, perhaps the mistake they are making with this is branding Ubuntu Edge as a high-end, luxury device. Impressions count.

      My favourite device I have bought this year is the Raspberry Pi, it is more impressive technology than the Galaxy Note II I own just by virtue of its price to value, this is how I would like to see technology advancing.

      So I agree, it is a serious shame that these things gets such disproportionate amounts of money compared to worthy endeavours such as Reglue.

  5. Bell 4 Life! (@FakeBibic)

    What I use Wine for: To install portable windows apps to my USB drive so that I have them when I need them. School, friends house, library. Everytime I update Wine from the PPA I test to make sure that every portable app I have still works. VLC, Opera, uTorrent, etc. I guess just in case the linux version of VLC, Opera, and transmission/deluge crashes and just stop working.

  6. Brian36, Dorset, UK

    An interesting edition. I really didn’t mind the sound-off, but what went thru my mind was that it is possible that Edge supporters may also be giving to charities such as Reglue. We can’t assume that the two projects are incompatible, but I take your point, the cash difference is pretty telling. Do we need another phone? I just need one that I can just phone (Mr. Watson — come here!).

    I tried XFCE – it’s cute, but I quickly went back to MATE. By the way, one thing I did notice was that LMDE has a difficult install procedure for Skype so it’s back to LM15 for the laptops.

    Wine I use with my amateur radio projects – I know FLDIGI is there but some Windows apps seem for me easier to use.

    Keep up the good work, guys.

  7. Danny

    As per Scott’s request: I use WINE to access Sonar3. It is the only Windows application I cannot find a suitable Linux alternative for. I’ve also tried WINE to get Quicken to run, which is the sticking point that keeps my spouse from using Linux.

    I’m a Security Now listener as well, and lately I’ve been using my tin-foil hat to build a home server using an old Pentium 4 box and Ubuntu. I’ve set up ownCloud, a VPN and PPTP server, and soon I’ll be tackling my own email server. I’d love to hear some episodes about security. I take Steve Gibson’s advice where ever I can, and it’d be nice to hear a Linux Mint spin on the things he’s recommending.

    To bring this back to WINE, another thing I plan to do with my server is set up a VM to run an instance of Windows, so then both the spouse and I could RDP into a virtual session and use Quicken and Sonar3 as needed, and I wouldn’t have to mess with WINE at all. It’s a dirty solution, but the reality is that Linux software support doesn’t quite match all our needs, yet.

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