Tag: Google

  • 431 – Artificially Intelligent

    First up in the news: Linux Mint Monthly News, Google Is Dying News, Samsung defends GenAI, India bans Protonmail, NGINX Core Dev Quits and Forks

    In security and privacy: Critical bootkit vulnerability affects most Linux distros, BitLocker smashed in minutes with pico SBC, and Mozilla helps you wipe your data

    Then in our Wanderings: Joe plays games, Moss survives, and Majid finally “gets” Arch

    In our Innards section: we discuss the current mintCast infrastructure

    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions


  • 429 – Do You Desktop?

    First up in the news: Mint 21.3 released, Linux kernel 4.14 goes EOL, Google sued over patent infringement, OpenSSH phases out DSA keys, Canonical snap steams Valve

    In security and privacy: NoaBot worms its way into Linux; Pixieboot vulnerabilities show up in UEFI, and SlippyBook rears its head

    Then in our Wanderings: Joe buys things cheap, and Eric talks audio production

    In our Innards section: We talk about whether there’s a need for desktop computers anymore.

    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions


  • 426 – Happy Birthday, mintCast!

    First up in the news: mintCast has a birthday, Mint 21.3 is named, Amazon works on a Linux fork for their devices, Ubuntu commits to Netplan, Firefox attempts Wayland, FreeBSD 14 is out, Endeavour releases Galileo, Vivaldi comes to Flathub, Google kills magazine content, OpenMandriva releases Rock 5.0, Pipewire reaches 1.0.0

    In security and privacy: Google Chrome’s Privacy Washing

    Then in our Wanderings: Bill may just be losing his mind, (there are doubts?), Joe prints everything but money, Majid does VR, Moss hangs on, and Eric spends more quality time with his Linux tablet.


  • 416.5 – Browser Arousal

    In our Innards section we talk browsers

    And finally, the feedback

    In "Check This Out" a link to a cool project and a YouTube video worth giving a look


  • 416 – The Red Hat Diaries

    First up in the news: Mint Monthly News, Steam Deck exceeds 10,000 games, Red Hat fights public opinion, new LibreBoot is out, Google whines about their new AI search, Peppermint OS upgrades to Bookworm, a new KaOS, First Amendment fails at Supremes, and Solus 4 is released

    In security and privacy, StackRot is here, and so is ProtonPass

    Then in our Wanderings, Moss makes money, Joe goes 3D, Bill mics up, and Majid thumbs his nose at inflation


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