429 – Do You Desktop?

First up in the news: Mint 21.3 released, Linux kernel 4.14 goes EOL, Google sued over patent infringement, OpenSSH phases out DSA keys, Canonical snap steams Valve

In security and privacy: NoaBot worms its way into Linux; Pixieboot vulnerabilities show up in UEFI, and SlippyBook rears its head

Then in our Wanderings: Joe buys things cheap, and Eric talks audio production

In our Innards section: We talk about whether there’s a need for desktop computers anymore.

And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

Sorry, No Chapters of Timestamps this episode folks. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The News

Mint 21.3 released

Linux Kernel 4.14 Reaches End of Life After More Than 6 Years of Maintenance

Google’s TPUs could end up costing it a billion-plus, thanks to this patent challenge

OpenSSH Announces Plan to Phase Out DSA Keys

PipeWire Camera Support Is Coming to OBS Studio for Linux Desktops

Canonical’s Steam Snap is Causing Headaches for Valve

Security and Privacy

Linux devices are under attack by a never-before-seen worm

New UEFI vulnerabilities send firmware devs industry wide scrambling

Breaking Down Slippy-Book: The New RCE Flaw in Linux Distros

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Special Thanks To:

  • Eric Adams for our audio editing
  • Archive.org for hosting our audio files
  • Hobstar for our logo, initrd for the animated Discord logo
  • Londoner for our time syncs and various other contributions
  • Bill Houser for hosting the server which runs our website, website maintenance, and the NextCloud server on which we host our show notes and raw audio
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about <Thanks, Clem … and co!>

2 Replies to “429 – Do You Desktop?”

  1. Tony Hughes

    Hi Guy’s I’ve just listened to 429 with Eric and Joe, great show. Thanks to Eric for his discussion about Reaper, I’ve as you know I have been using Audacity as my go to audio editor for a good few years both for mintCast and Distrohoppers’ Digest when I was editing the audio.

    But having heard the latest show I thought I would check out Reaper and the idea of being able to edit audio and video concurrently seems to be a great advantage so I have downloaded the flatpak and will have a play with the 60 day evaluation trial.

    Also the innards discussion about desktop PC’s and if they were dying was interesting. Just over 2 years ago I bought an AMD Ryzen 9 tiny PC from a Linux PC supplier called Juno Computers as I was finding my large Desktop was starting to feel it’s age and the power consumption was starting to get costly given UK energy prices at the time.

    I’m not a gamer so don’t need a massive video card and the idea of a PC built to run Linux from a company committed to Linux support was appealing although the only Distro on offer was Ubuntu, but as a Mint user I didn’t think that would be an issue, so I splashed the cash. It turned out I needed some Juno specific hardware drivers to Run Mint but support was great and once installed everything has been just fine.

    Having run this PC for over 2 years now for me I can not see a case for going back to a full tower PC as this meets all my needs and sips power so is saving me money as well. and while the CPU is not up-gradable the RAM and mSATA SSD are. I could max out to 64Gb of DDR4 Ram currently 32Gb and the current SSD is 1TB and it also supports the addition of a 2.5″ SATA SSD if I wanted additional internal storage.

    As someone who has rebuilt many PC’s in the past which is how I got into Linux in the first place, I can understand those that would miss that large box pumping out loads of heat in the corner of the room. But with the advent of external video card solutions, even for gamers these large power hungry boxes may soon be a thing of the past for the home user.

    Oh and the issue of using a Laptop as a desktop PC is now very possible as with docking stations to hook up all your home peripherals when needed, you can easily use one high end Laptop for both portable and home use without much hassle.

    Keep up the great work guy’s always like listening to everyone and what their takes is on whats happening the Linux and Open Source.


    Tony Hughes

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