Tag: AMD

  • 433 – They’re All Out To Get You!

    First up in the news: Mint Monthly News – February 2024, Linux market share passes 4% for first time, SerpentOS makes progress, AMD is told hands off HDMI 2.1, Google blocks RCS on rooted devices, AMDGPU has limits, ProtonMail comes to all desktops, and NVidia bans translation layers

    In security and privacy: Avast is fined bigly for selling browser data

    Then in our Wanderings: Joe plays a lot of games, Majid does mirrors

    In our Innards section: We discuss scams and trying to protect the people we care about

    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

  • 432 – “Podcasts Are Better”

    First up in the news: KDE MegaRelease 6, No open source HDMI 2.1 driver

    In security and privacy: New Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities Expose Android and Linux Devices to Hackers

    Then in our Wanderings: Bill stops rolling, Joe surprises people by fixing things, Majid needs audio files to become an audiophile

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  • 381 – Mozilla Does Something Meta

    First up in the news: AMD builds brand new Linux graphics driver support and Ubuntu MATE to add native Flatpak support. In security and privacy: Arch Linux packages are… outdated? Mozilla does something really Meta, the ‘EARN IT Act’ makes a return, and FLoC was a flop, but Google has some new ideas. Then in our Wanderings Joe gets another new to me bike, Norbert defeats distro hopping, Moss goes international, Josh tells us about running Manjaro, and Bill is truckcasting.

  • 378 – Reaching Enlightenment

    First up in the news, Mint 20.3 Una is released, Pipewire has a new release and Solus co-lead resigns. In security, Ubuntu Kernel update fixes vulnerabilities and Ryzen Mobile CPU’s and Pluton Security. In our Wanderings, Joe talks about the HPR New Year Show, Norbert watched a new series, Bill has been on the grind with cold temperatures, Nishant joined the Serenity OS team and Moss is back.
    In security, Ubuntu Kernel Security Patches, FGKASLR gets closer to mainline, Data stealing malware hides on Linux servers, Go Daddy data breach
    In our Wanderings, Joe does some 3d printing, Josh got a new monitor, Norbert switches OS’s, and Clayton looks back

  • 374 – Mounted Archery

    First up in the news, Linux Mint Monthly News, Firefox 94 released, Steam OS announcement, System76 Desktop announcement, Intel has been doing this for a long time and Nvidia released a fix
    In security, A Dutch newspaper gets hacked, Azure is vulnerable, and AMD and Intel have more security flaws
    Then in our Wanderings, Joe works on an xbox, Josh remodels a bathroom, Tony got a new phone and Norbert tells us about running arch

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