mintCast 341.5 – Don’t Cross the Streams


1:27 Linux Innards
29:12 Vibrations from the Ether
47:56 Check This Out
55:30 Outro

In our Innards section, we talk OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)

And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions


  • Livestream 
    • Easy mode option: mobile, and just use the app and hit the button (probably obvious)
    • Perhaps second easiest option: No software at all – just use the web browser.  
      • From a linux machine with audio/video source (webcam, microphone) just launch Firefox, go to Facebook, Youtube etc and go live from web browser (have done this on FB live, need to check this works in Youtube) 
    • JB
    • Our BEST option, by far, and still pretty user friendly – OBS Studio!!
      • Some reasons to use
        • It’s FREE!!!  Both as in freedom AND beer
        • Linux first
        • Multiple video sources
        • Stream gaming, screen recording
        • Add text, logos, etc to screen
    • All I do is add one plugin
      • /home/leo/.config/obs-studio/
      • In the plugins directory, dump your plugin here!
    • Plugins are not easy (or possible) in Flatpak. Possibly Snaps, too
      • /var/lib/flatpak/app/com.obsproject.Studio/current/LONGUUID/files…
      • This is where the plugins would be, thereabouts. Does not work!
      • Use the PPA if you want plugins.
      • Otherwise, the flatpak is easy enough for basic stuff.


  • Brad Alexander

There is a website at, and they have an amazing bash scripting cheatsheet…The other thing that is indispensable to me, add the following:


to your .bashrc or /etc/profile.d/ This will put a timestamp on every command when you do history. 

Leo’s Response

Brad’s Response to Leo’s Response 😉

du -s * | sort

du -sh * | sort -h

  • John Wallis Saga

…add the following lines to a file in the directory “/etc/modprobe.d”:

install tipc /bin/true

install sctp /bin/true

install rds /bin/true

install dccp /bin/true

Leo’s Response

STIG (Security Technical Implementation Guide)

TIPC (Transparent Interprocess Communication)

SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)

RDS (Reliable Datagram Sockets)

DCCP (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol)

  • Another note by John Wallis

    Leo’s Response

[H]ere’s the high level overview.

Decide if you want a swap partition or swap file.

If partition, use Gparted on a Live Disk you have handy to create and format any empty space that may have been left over by the encrypted swap area. Make sure to format it as swap. Use the blkid command to note the UUID for usage later.

If file, use a Live Disk to create a file, named whatever you like, for instance “swapfile”, in / . Mark it swap by typing `mkswap /swapfile`

In either case, while still in the live environment, open up the /etc/fstab file in a text editor and add a new line.

if using a swapfile

/swapfile    none    swap    sw    0    0

if using a swap partition

UUID=ADD-THE-UUID-HERE    none    swap    sw    0    0

Save, exit and reboot.

Encrypting the swapfile or partition is another long email! Here is some light reading on the subject.

  • Henrik Hemrin 

Joe’s Response

[There have] been a couple phones that come from the factory with dual boot for example: 

as well as a couple of tablets

Here is an article from xda on the benefits of multi boot


  • Utopic Unicorn
  • Leo
    • Flatseal can fix the cursor issues!
      • For the app in question, under Filesystems > Other Files, add the directory that contains your mouse to your flatpak app in Flatseal and put :ro at the end
      • For me that’s “~/.icons:ro” (no quotes)
  • Moss
    • Ubuntu Unity is still growing, along with sister projects Krob Linux for RPi, Ubuntu Ed and the new Ubuntu Lomiri. Lead dev Rudra Saraswat has acquired a couple new mirror sites, one in Russia and one in the US, in addition to their Mega.NZ, Google Drive and MediaFire download sites. They have greatly improved and now they have a forum set up, to companion with their extensive Discord and Telegram groups. This is exciting stuff to be getting in on the ground floor of, and I recommend it.
    • My latest recording (single) has been included in a Wizard Rock annual collection. It’s not rock, but it’s included. I’m not sure what the site for the collection is, but you can hear it at


Our next episode will be Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 2 pm Central US time, 7 pm UTC and 8 pm British Summer Time. Time conversions are available at should you need to determine your time.


Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible … 

  • Hobstar for his work on the new logo
  • Josh for all his work on the website
  • Hacker Public Radio for the Mumble server we are using to record
  • Bytemark Hosting for hosting and our Mumble server
  • for hosting our audio files
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about.

3 Replies to “mintCast 341.5 – Don’t Cross the Streams”

  1. londoner

    You suggest in the show notes using This, however, will give you incorrect results as it does not take into account DST at all.
    For example: My time zone is UTC +2:00 all year with no DST. Central Time is shown only as CST (UTC -6:00) and not the currently correct CDT (UTC -5:00). gives a difference of 8 hours, when it is only currently 7 hours.
    To get correct time differences whatever time of year it is, use instead

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