mintCast 329.5 – Lucky 777 (mp3)


This week we talk permissions administration, our listener feedback and a few “check this out” items.


  • User and Group management
    • id
    • Useradd
      • -c  – Full name
      • -e – Expiration date
      • -s – Default shell
      • -d – Home directory
    • Passwd
    • Usermod
      • -l – rename
      • -L – Lock
      • -U – unlock
    • Userdel
      • -r – remove user data
    • Groupadd
    • Groupmod
    • Gpasswd [-a -d -A] [user] [group]
    • Newgrp [group]
  • Su vs. su – vs. sudo
    • Visudo
  • File permissions
    • UGO
    • RWX
    • Chmod -R
      • r = 4
      • w = 2
      • x = 1
      • = 0
      • rwxrwxrwx = 777
      • rw-rw-rw- = 666
      • rwxrwxr– = 774
      • rw-rw—- = 660
      • rw-r—– = 640
    • chown
    • Umask

Vibrations from the ether:

  • hehemrin
  • Larry Murphy
  • Stan Reichardt
  • a_stombaugh
  • katya

Check this out! 


  • Our Next Episode will be live March 8th, 2020. 2PM CST, 8PM UTC


Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible … 

  • Josh for all his work on the website and the livestream
  • Bytemark Hosting for hosting and our Mumble server
  • for hosting our audio files
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about (Thanks, Clem!)

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