
  • Episode 43: Cron

    This week Rothgar and SiKing discuss how Cron works and what you might use it for day to day. We also touch on anacron and at commands.

  • Episode 41: IRC

    News & personal updates 0:01:20 Rothgar has moved to new house 0:07:11 Charles has new Android phone 0:22:38 Charles’ happy place – surrounded by Linux Salus Massage http://www.salusmassagehouston.com/ http://www.facebook.com/SalusMassageTherapy 0:24:27 […]

  • Episode 40: Klaatu interview pt 2

    News & personal updates 0:01:35 Linux Mint 9 KDE RC released 0:01:52 mintCast has a forum on the Linux Mint web site 0:08:50 Klaatu talks about SELF 0:19:28 Zenoss was […]

  • Minicast 39: Technical Difficulties

    Problems with Talkshoe prevented us from recording mintCast this week. Media from Klaatu’s Linux Multimedia Sprint are now available Announcement Torrent mintCast now has a forum More info Hosts: Charles, […]

  • Episode 38: Partitioning

    The Linux Multimedia Sprint has been released! Announcement Torrent News & personal updates 0:00:51 SiKing visited Canada 0:01:35 Google ditches Windows? 0:03:43 Google’s Chrome Computing System To Debut in Autumn […]

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