Episode 87: In Which We Announce Our New Schedule


  • The next evolution of Mint; MATE, Gnome 2, and Gnome 3? Some comments from Clem’s monthly post. (blog.linuxmint.com)
  • Without Dennis Ritchie, there would be no Jobs: “Modern computing as we know it would not have existed without Dennis Ritchie, father of the C programming language and co-creator of the UNIX operating system.” ( www.zdnet.com ) ( www.nytimes.com )
  • Time runs out for timezone database “…after the volunteer programmer who maintained it was sued for copyright infringement by a maker of astrology software.” (www.theregister.co.uk)
    But ICANN steps in to save the day saying, “We believe it’s important to continue the operation of the database. We’ll deal with any legal matters as they arise.” (www.theregister.co.uk) (ap.org)

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

11 Replies to “Episode 87: In Which We Announce Our New Schedule”

  1. James M.

    Glad to find the latest podcast, and thanks for telling us why the schedule has been irregular. I enjoy the podcast and when it doesn’t come out, I miss it.

  2. ivan ospina

    hola a todo el excelente grupo de trabajo de linux mint y toda la familia de linux,los saludo desde cali-colombia,mañana en mi blog publicare un post acerca de linux mint 11 “katya”
    me gustaria saber si los podcast que estan aqui estan disponibles en españolo,o donde puedo escuchar los podcast de ustedes en español,
    gracias por su lindo trabajo y la informacion que nos dan año tras año,
    ssaludos desde cali-colombia

    • Rob

      Gracias por las amables palabras. Hasta donde yo sé, mintCast no está disponible en cualquier idioma, pero el Inglés. Sin embargo, el milagro de la translate.google.com nos permite hablar de todos modos!

  3. Charlie

    So Linux Mint 12 will come with Gnome-Shell… I hope there’s going to be lots of Minty freshness to make it more usable for the ‘normal user’. I’ve just recovered from a bout of distro-hopping-itis . From Linux Mint 11 to LMDE XFCE to LMDE GNOME to Ubuntu 11.10 Gnome-Shell to Ubuntu 11.10 Unity. Thankfully I’ve recovered now and I’m back on Linux Mint 11.

    It seems Linux Mint 11 (Main Edition) is the only distro that has not lost a sense of reality. There simply isn’t any other distro that one can give to a new user and just say “install and enjoy”. For most ‘normal users’, the mention of the word ‘Terminal’ is as frightening as if it were said by a doctor.

  4. Tod

    You asked for comments related to using Ubuntu 10.10. Here are my $.02.

    I have been using Mint 10 for a year and that has been my “home” distro due to the great interface and as Rob says… “it just works”. Meanwhile, I have a quintuple booted machine (is that the right word?) and enjoy experimenting with other distros. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 and liked the Unity interface but struggled with performance quirks and lags along with the learning curve. The upgrade to 11.10 was very easy and everything upgraded flawlessly which was impressive. Since then it seems to run perfectly and I must say that I really like the Unity interface.

    The Unity bar is quick to react, easily customizeable and convenient to use. I love it. I tend to be a keyboard shortcut fan, but the bar is quick and easy and I find myself using it for the handful of regular programs that I typically start.

    The main menu is less-confusing with 11.10 than it was with 11.04, but I still find it non intuitive and somewhat clumsy get to what I am looking for. The tabbed interface helps to filter your choices, but I still have to think too hard and click too many times to get to where I need to go. I would imagine it would become more automatic over time, but with GnomeDo, why bother – which makes the main menu problem almost a non-issue. Even without GnomeDo, Unity is much faster and easier than Gnome 3.2 in my opinion.

    I certainly feel like I am a lone experienced Linux user swimming upstream when I say that overall I find myself wanting to boot into Ubuntu more than most of my other distros. That tells me I must really like it despite all of the bad press Canonical has gotten over Unity.

  5. merelyjim

    I bought a Nook color from Barnes & Noble knowing that if I got fed-up with it as an e-reader, I could always root it to Android, but figured if I waited for the mad experiment that Ubuntu was running, I could install that instead, just maybe a few months later… that looks to be the promise of Unity, anyway.

    I’ve seen the first steps on youtube already, but going to wait until they’ve had a bit more time to work on it. But that would be the only thing that would get me back onto Ubuntu, despite the memories of good times past.

  6. Sid32

    I’m a big fan of gnome 3.2. It’s fast, pretty, and seems to be much much lighter then gnome 2. I think this is the right choice and we would end up with a better Mint OS then if they went with XFCE.

    • merelyjim

      …and now, after installing LMDE_Xfce-32bit on my netbook, and LMDE_Xfce-64bit on my laptop, getting it all configured and updated, I hear this about Gnome being *better*. That’s fine. My feelings aren’t hurt. [sniff]
      Anyway, I also installed Openbox as soon as things were locked-down. For some of us, minimalist is where it’s at, but Linux is all about choice. Enjoy what you’ve got, Sid!

  7. Sid32

    No worries. I use XFCE as my second OS. Was using it for about three months straight before Ubunutu 11.10 came out, not wanting to get caught using Unity(which I hate) or being forced to use Gnome 3 sight unseen.

    It’s a real nice setup, will keep an eye on, as I think it needs some seasoning to be great.

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