Episode 86: Movie-Making Magic


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HandBrake (handbrake.fr) is a GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder.

HandBrake is not a ripper. It converts video, it does not rip it byte by byte. It does not crack the latest DVD copy protection schemes hatched by the studios.

It converts video from nearly any format to a handful of modern ones—that’s it.

HandBrake is not everything for everyone for every need. When you desire a ChickenSandwich, search out a local purveyor of prepared foodstuffs. When you desire an über-tool for all your video encoding needs, learn how to use the command line and seek out projects like mencoder.

The Tip:

Install zramswap-enabler for increased performance in Linux. It’s virtual swap space compressed in RAM and is integrated in the Linux kernel.

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Hosts: Harrison, James, Rob, Scott

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

20 Replies to “Episode 86: Movie-Making Magic”

  1. Charlie

    “Linux users are smarter”… of course, they have to be use it.
    The biggest lesson I have learned from Steve Jobs and key to Apples incredible success is that… even though people think they want ‘choice’, in fact choice is too stressful and they are happy to it give up for an option that they trust will work. As with the iPhone, all the brainpower of Apple goes into making their one operating system work nearly flawlessly with their one hardware setup. This is totally the opposite of Linux (and it’s software) where the brainpower is so diluted that we have hundreds of flavours of Linux but none that really work well. Google & it’s chromebook is the closest to this concept but people are simply not ready for being 100% in the cloud. I wish LinuxMint would produce their own range of computers or at least a recommended range of computers that they can call ‘Long Term Support’. If I want to introduce someone to Linux I don’t want to become their lifetime support person simply because upgrades break the system. (if this already exists please let me know).
    Steve Jobs knew (and proved by sales results) that the majority of people simply want to pickup a product and use it. Apart from Ubuntu (which is trying not too successfully), Linux sadly is and will always remain the domain of the geek.

  2. merelyjim

    Thanks for another good podcast, *

    I once tried running handbrake on my netbook, just as an experiment. It actually ran – didn’t crash. The conversion process was slated to last 25 hours, and the tiny little Intel Atom CPU was screaming bloody murder the whole time, but it worked.

    Like the song from Portal says, we’re doing science because we can… Okay, it wasn’t really science…

  3. BostonPeng

    I found a great little app for converting videos to view on my phone: Mobile Movie Converter (http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.htm). I found it while looking for a GUI way to get videos I can watch on my Samsung Restore (requires .3gp videos) and it converts to a heap of video formats with presets that will at least get you started. Of course you can tweak settings to your heart’s content as well.

  4. Brent

    What was the name of the slideshow application you used for still pictures?
    I remembered openshot and dvd-styler, but I can’t for the life of me remember the slideshow app.

  5. merelyjim

    Just installed RecordMyDesktop so I can make screen-casts and throw them up on youtube. Never really thought about how to make it happen until all the talk of video came up.

    Next time Dad can’t figure something out, I’ll make him a short video and show him instead of trying to tell him over the phone.

    [sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop] from the command line…

  6. Charlie

    Sorry if this is off topic but may I make a suggestion for a podcast theme.
    There is a pole on the Linux Mint forums as to whether LM12 should be based on Ubuntu or Debian. Unless I missed something it seems unclear where Linux Mint 12 is heading. After my experience of LMDE I feel loosing the usability of Ubuntu would be a great mistake as most people use Linux Mint for that exact reason. Ubuntu 11.10 is excellent so a Linux Mint version would be awesome. The pole shows Debian leading but poles cannot be trusted, especially in the Linux world as usually they reflect the views of the geeks and not of the silent majority (i.e. the general ‘user’). Your opinions, insights and, maybe, insider information would make an interesting show as Ubuntu 11.10 Final is release today (hopefully).

    • merelyjim

      I agree, it should be discussed.

      I am sorry that you had a bad experience with it, Charlie, and I agree that Mint has a lot of work to do before LMDE is ready for prime-time (Xfce seemed sluggish, which Xfce should never be).

      I’ve also used distro’s that have drawn directly from Debian repo’s and they’re rock-solid*! The real trick is finding the right balance between stable and testing – otherwise you’ll be stuck with Iceweasel3.6 rather than Firefox7,8, or 9.

      * download Crunchbang and run it from the LiveCD if you’d like an example.

  7. MaTachi

    The reason why Linux’s part of the pie chart on Humble Indie Bundle is shrinking is because if you pay more than the average you get additional games. This encourage the Windows users to pay more than they regularly do. The Linux users are already paying over the average, which means that they don’t have to pay more to get the additional games.

  8. DonsEars

    Great podcast again guys. The audio has been much better the last two shows. In fact, the sound quality is better than most other podcasts. I also like that you don’t talk on top of each other. Keep up the great work and go Linux Mint!

  9. merelyjim

    Copied from twitter;
    Starting with episode 87 the mintCast will be switching to a Thursday release schedule. #scottshockeygames #linux

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