
  • Episode 76: Compiling Software on Debian Based Systems

    News & Personal Updates 0:08:32 SUSE extends Linux agreement with Microsoft for four more years. 0:12:18 Oracle purchases Ksplice. 0:24:34 The Humble Indie Bundle 3 is now […]

  • Episode 67: Linux Mint 11, The Mintiest!

    News & Personal Updates 0:7:58 Linus Talks Of Linux 2.8 Or Linux 3.0; Ending Linux 2.6 0:12:09 Fedora 15 is released 0:13:37 Unity Coming to […]

  • MythTV walkthrough – Software/Backend

    In response to my own part one video on MythTV I thought I would link to the last 5 parts of the series I recorded bringing you from bare metal to a watching TV in about an hour.

  • I want to learn to write programs

    On our last show we answered a mail from one of our listeners, who asked: I want to learn to write programs in Linux. This is not the first time […]

  • MythTV 0.22 walkthrough – Part 1

    I thought I would post a my first how to video on setting up MythTV. This video is just about the hardware but I will have followups on setting up […]

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