Tag: linux

  • 414 – Salt and Battery

    First up in the news, Mint Monthly News, All-Snap Ubuntu Desktop Will Be Available Next Year, Red Hat Stops Packaging LibreOffice as RPM for RHEL & Fedora, Mozilla Thunderbird’s Next Big Update Is Now in Beta, Windows XP activation algorithm cracked - keygen now works on Linux

    In security and privacy, we meet Blacksuit

    Then in our Wanderings, Bill chases burning trucks, Moss is feeling the pressure, and Majid needs to stop spending money

    In our Innards section, we discuss laptop battery life

    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions


  • 413.5 – Git Some!

    In our innards, we talk all things Git

    In "Check This Out" Londoner shared a cool tool for generating secure passwords; Joe sheres a couple links for getting started with Git

    No feedback this episode. Get in touch with us!


  • 413 – Flying Wigs

    First up in the news, Arch migrates Git, Ubuntu changes PPAs, Fedora Onyx is approved, Google to remove old accounts, Debian re-imposes a moratorium, Proton goes Family, Red Hat unveils a new Desktop, Fedora plans to drop X11, Thunderbird gets a new logo

    In security and privacy, Google’s 2FA isn’t private enough

    Then in our Wanderings, Majid is off to University, Joe is manacled to his office, Moss kicks the tires on the new Bodhi, and Bill migrates


  • 412.5 – Gracias, Amiga!

    In our Innards section we talk about Pimiga

    In Vibrations from the Ether, Joe interacts with a listener via email about some hardware subjects and other stuff


  • 412 – Coldpause

    First up, in the news, Mint News for April, Mozilla Thunderbird is adding paid features and services, Raspberry Pi OS updates, sudo and su get Rusty, Flatseal gets GTK4, new Framework laptop gets Ryzen 7040 series, Kingston firmware contains lyrics, YouTube tests blocking adblock, Star5’s Vision 2 RISC-V gets Ubuntu, and Microsoft wants Firefox to switch to Bing

    In security and privacy, India bans open-source messaging apps “for security reasons”;

    Then in our Wanderings, Bill tells a story, Joe gets political, Moss conquers wifi, and Majid goes back in time.


Linux Mint

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