mintCast 251 – Personal Clouds




Main Topic: Personal Clouds

  • Rob and Isaac talk about OwnCloud, NextCloud and

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Hosts: Rob, Scott, Joe and Isaac
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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

One Reply to “mintCast 251 – Personal Clouds”

  1. Will

    It’s cool that you looked at Sandstorm. I have just been looking at it recently myself. It seems nice as long as it has a good community behind it. The thing about it that gives me pause is that Apps have to be modified to run in Sandstorm to comply with its grain sandboxing system. I think the Sandstorm developers modify the apps themselves for a lot of their initial offering of apps. That adds an extra step to getting any updates from the app since after each release of the app by its developer the Sandstorm developers have to patch it for Sandstorm and add it to Sandstorm’s app store. If Sandstorm gets a big enough community, app developers might release a Sandstorm version of their apps directly in addition to their rpm, deb, snap, etc. releases. A bigger community would also make it more likely that more apps would be packaged for Sandstorm. Right now, you get one option for each common type of web application — so for example you get Davros for file sharing but not OwnCloud or Seafile.

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