mintCast 219 – Bodhi Linux and Chromebooks

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Main Topic: Bodhi Linux and Chromebooks


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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar. 

6 Replies to “mintCast 219 – Bodhi Linux and Chromebooks”

  1. 3dbloke

    Hey guys. Another excellent show. Joe’s intro sounded almost professional 😉 and it was good to have things moving along a little quicker (a la Scott) than last time. News at 13 mins in, main topic at 38 mins…. is this a record?

    On the subject of Chromebooks, I too am now tempted to dip a toe in and get one of these, but I wonder what’s over the horizon. In particular, I’m looking at something like the Asus TF103c Transformer, an Android tablet with detachable keyboard that was released last year.

    Now that some Android apps are available for Chrome OS, I’m wondering how much more the two platforms are going to merge. Right now, an Android tablet and keyboard seems like a better choice than a Chromebook for my purposes (I have no desire to run Linux on it).

    A deeper look into this area of potential future developments would be appreciated as a future show topic. Any takers? 🙂

    Keep up the great work.


  2. Will

    Maybe Rob just misspoke, but I wouldn’t classify Arch as a boutique distro like the other ones he mentioned. In the article, Matt specifically uses Arch as an example of a distro from which boutique distros are derived. I think Arch ticks all of the boxes for a major distro — provides an ISO, maintains its own repos, and promotes its own community of users who can offer support to users with problems.

  3. anthonyvenable110

    Problem with the episode length? Not to me, If someone doesn’t want to or can’t listen to the entire show they can turn it off and maybe listen to the rest later. I do this all the time. On another note I really liked the mention of wobbly windows as i would love to have them on linux mint 17.1 mate. I haven’t been able to enjoy that fun feature since i was on Ubuntu 10.10 so obviously its been a while. I was also happy to hear about bodhi since it helped me to learn more about it and know that its not for me.

  4. charles aymard (@aymard_charles)

    I also have an Acer C720 (the 32gb Celeron version). on which I am running Manjaro and which is serving me quite well for the most part. mostly as a nicely portable laptop around the hall I live in and uni. On occasions you realise the limitations of the hardware, but it is doing a lot of what I want it to. And it gives you the chance to have a very libre stack on a reasonably current and affordable machine.

    Regarding the dual boot, does it already complain when the sizes of the chromeos partitions change? If so, I suppose you only could get a bigger ssd and image it on the first 16gb of that.

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