mintCast 175 – PiBang Linux

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Website: PiBang Linux

  • PiBang Linux ( A Linux distribution for the Raspberry Pi. It is inspired by Crunchbang Linux, and based on Raspbian.
  • Raspian ( Raspbian is a free operating system based on Debian optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware.

Tip: Create an encrypted zip file on Linux

  • Suppose you want to create a zip archive, but with password protection, so that whoever tries to uncompress the zip file must know the right password. On Linux, there are several ways to encrypt and password protect a zip file. (

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  • OGGCamp October 19th & 20th 2013 at Liverpool John Moores university in the UK. (

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Hosts: Rob, Scott
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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

6 Replies to “mintCast 175 – PiBang Linux”

  1. Adrian AC

    In the uk you can pick up a genuine photoshop 7 Windows CD / licence on ebay for around £20.

    What is special about photoshop 7 ? Well version 6/7 were the first modern photoshops that have 90% of the features and interface of current versions.

    Also Google were just starting to get into desktop linux at the time and they fixed about 500 wine bugs that were stopping Photoshop 7 from working well. Thus to this day photoshop 7 is one of the most stable windows apps under wine with almost all features working 100%. Other than the help system and external drag and drop it works fine, even the built in file browser. Just install the latest wine, put in the photoshop cd, right click on the installer .exe and pick run with wine.

    As for a lightbox program (to organise and do basic edits on RAW camera image files) to replace adobe lightroom or Apple Apature you have Darktable:

    Tutorial – Differences between darktable and lightroom:

    Feature list:


    Install is simple on ubuntu/mint via a PPA:

  2. aac74

    Intel HD 3000/4000 graphics as are common on most cheap laptops work great on linux now for video playback. Even older GMA graphics work ok, though 720p or higher video might not work well.

    Even for games the latest HD 3000 graphics play portal OK on medium settings.

    The problem with all video not just on intel graphics is tearing with flash. Particularly full screen flash via full screen overlay. The only solution that seems to work is to use compiz advanced zoom to get the unfullscreen video to fill most of the screen. You already have this installed and running if you are running ubuntu/unity. I bind zoom in/out to ctrl-pgup/down using unity tweak tool. I bind the zoom lock (so you can move the cursur to the side of the video) to ctrl-end using CCSM.

    Using this method I get tear free flash fullscreen(ish) with services like BBC iplayer and google play movies/tv.

  3. Jeff Hatfield (nomasteryoda)

    Howdy Rob and Scott,
    This is in regards the PiBang episode. I’ve been listening to the show for quite a while now, but I can’t remember when I started listening. I know it was sometime after I moved away from Ubuntu to use Mint. I may be biased a bit because I run Arch on one Raspberry Pi, my laptop, XBMC server, and Ampache / minidlna music server. I’ve made converts of several co-workers too, but you should use what you feel comfortable with: choice is a beautiful freedom.

    I have to argue that Arch Linux ARM is less complicated to install on the RaspberryPi (RPI) than Pibang based upon all the stuff you had to go through just to get it close to a functional system for ssh access. Just download the image from, and follow the dd process (carefully I might add). One thing that you want to do is expand the root partition. I eject the sd card, pop it back in and run gparted to perform that action as I know it will be done correctly. Follow the next guide to find the IP of the RPI and ssh directly to the pi as root – . Alternatively you could use an nmap command to search your network for the RPI (sudo nmap -sP and you should see it on your network as “Raspberry”

    I’m using Arch on my main model B (256mb model) RPI as an ssh gateway. I run sshguard with iptables to keep most of the riff-raff at bay. You see, I must use port 22 for access from certain locations where I originate an ssh connection. Security is raised up to the highest using PKI keys and really makes for entertaining reviews of the auth.log. I see crackers from all over the planet attempting to get to my seemingly valuable little RPI.

    My model B revision 2 (512mb) acts like an access point, runs Raspbian on a 32GB class 10 micro-sd via adapter card and acts as a Time And Relative Dimension In Space media box – i.e. I have a battery and a small TARDIS (Yatzee dice case) in which I place the RPI. The purpose you might ask? Well it is totally for fun! I have both minidlna and bubbleupnp server installed. That way I can connect a speaker or head phones, though the RPI leaves something to be desired as far as quality sound output, and stream music directly from my bubbleupnp client on my phone. Alternatively I open and play the media stored on the RPI that is presented via minidlna either as output on my phone (works for video and pictures as well) or direct audio out the RPI connected spearkers.

    My other model B is mainly is as an XBMC media server running OpenElec 3.2 (or later). XBMC runs so well with and it even has bluetooth and full wireless configuration tools built into the OpenElec add-on that comes in the package. My wife uses this RPI at times to watch streaming videos on the old CRT TV via VGA converted to 75ohm Coax (and an old channel 3/4 switch) and she controls it with her android phone and Yatze.

    I know this was a long post, but it was my first.
    Keep up the great job. Its great to hear you guys discuss what matters to us geeks.

    nomasteryoda (g+, facebook, twitter, skype)

  4. Bert

    I posted this on G+:
    There are two things to consider with gpg, trust and verification. Signing the key verifies it to others that the person is who they say they are and trust level indicates how much you trust the keys that they have signed.
    These have a lot of great information on the subject. When you sign a key you need to send the signed key to the owner in an encrypted email and he can then import it into his keyring, replacing the original with the new signed key. He can then upload the key to a keyserver so that anyone downloading it will get it signed by you. He should, in turn, send you your key signed in an encrypted email and you would do the same with your signed key and you can assign a trust level to his public key so that he will be trusted through you.

  5. James Mitchell

    Just had a quick listen to the podcast and got to the bit about digital darkroom software. As things would turn out, i was reading Octobers Linux Format magazine (issue 175) on break at work and there was a piece in there on something called LightZone. Apparently used to be proprietary software but is now under a BSD licence and free to download! No idea how it may compare to Darktable or the offerings from Adobe, but thought it may well be worth consideration.


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