mintCast 165 – FLOSS System Admin



The Main Topic: Leveraging Open Source Tools for System Administration with Jason

Featured Website:

  • Jason recommends OpenFire. Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP (also called Jabber). Openfire is incredibly easy to setup and administer, but offers rock-solid security and performance.


  • Here’s how you can automatically shut down the terminal after a period of inactivity in Linux Mint 15 (thanks to Jim Lynch at ITWorld). (

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Hosts: Rob, Scott, James
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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast?s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

8 Replies to “mintCast 165 – FLOSS System Admin”

  1. Ian

    Hi guys, some download difficulties again, I’m afraid. Podcatcher (BeyondPod) detects there is a new episode, but fails to download with 404 error. Going to the ogg link above on gives message “The item you have requested has a problem with one or more of the metadata files that describe it, which prevents us from displaying this page.”
    Searching for mintcast on gives Episode 165 as the top result, which will then give a page from which I could successfully download the ogg file, so the actual media seems OK.

    By the way, should let you know that I do really like the podcast, and have been a long time listener. I do appreciate the time and effort you guys put in.

    I’m another listener in Australia, so you are listened to far and wide.

  2. mintCast

    The problem was with inconsistent capitalization in the URLs in the blog posting and It should be fixed now, and the feeds should be updated. If you’re using the feedburner feed, it may take a bit of time to sync up again.

  3. mintCast

    Sorry all. Rob has been putting in long hours trying to get this all to work correctly, then I come along and don’t use the proper capitalization on the URLs. My apologies to all who got 404s and such. One of these days I will get it right…

    – Scott

  4. Brian36, Dorset, UK

    Jason – Thanks. One of the most interesting and positive podcasts I’ve heard. As you were talking, the one thing going thru my mind was, what happens if/when you leave the company? And then Scott, you asked the question! Good tech support is so essential.

    Keep up the good work, guys.
    Brian36 (the washer-upper)
    PS: Re OCR – I tried tesseract. Not against CLI, but I prefer GUI and, for me, the results in tesseract were not as good as ABBYY, anyway. Horses for courses, I guess.

  5. Bell 4 Life! (@FakeBibic)

    Hey, you guys might be a little off into the ipod thing. I suggest using Floola for your wifes ipod. Its a portable standalone program that has a windows, linux, and mac version. Add songs to the ipod from any computer in the world. No longer are you tied down to itunes or a program that sits on only one computer.

    For your shuffle, the clipply ipod with the dock with the stick on it, try a python script and Turns your ipod into a drag and drop and run mp3 player.

  6. John

    Hey there

    I first want to say that I have been enjoying the podcast’s for sometime… however something seems to be broken now, I’m using downcast on my iPhone to stream the show, as of show 164 as well as 165 now, downcast well no longer recognize them… I get “unplayable media file or document” my hunch is it is now trying to pull the OGG file and stream that rather then the mp3 file as before… Any suggestions on how to fix this??? btw mintcast no longer shows up in the directory since the podcast moved… how long does it take to be back in without manually entering the url?

    Thanks for all you do

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