mintCast 138: The Children are the Future


  • Work-around for multiarch support in Mint 14 64bit RC. (
  • Linux developer joins Humble Bundle team full-time. (
  • Fedora 19 Will Have Another Unique Codename. (

The Main Topic:

Linux for Kids



Tip of the Podcast:

  • The F11 key will toggle full-screen view on many applications, although it doesn’t work in all applications.

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Hosts:: James, Rob, Scott

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers are provided by Oscar.

11 Replies to “mintCast 138: The Children are the Future”

  1. t47

    Hello once again,
    first things first – SFBRP stands for Science-Fiction Book Review Podcast (
    Next… I still think that user interface is not a feature. Interface enables you to do things, but is not a “thing” you do. So if a distribution gives you only new interface it gives you different way of doing the same thing you already could do. Sure it can be helpful if the new way is easier but it’s not like it lets you do something new.
    As for the Solaris. It was just an example – an OS that has very useful feature. What’s interresting you didn’t talk about the feature. Instead you ‘attacked’ the OS itself. It has no software, no drivers, it’s difficult to use, it’s a server system etc. Same talk that some Windows users use when talking about linux. My question is: have you actually tried using it?
    Anyways… there was also an attempt of identifying me as a particular type of user. Well I think I really am not the usuall linux type. I like things to just work. I have nothing against putting some work to make it (OS) run better, but it should work good in the first place. It’s not like I demand some unusual things. I use my machine to do a limited number of things:
    – c, c++
    – email
    – .doc, .docx, basic .xml editing
    – dosbox
    – basic graphics
    – basic audio editing
    – audio compression from cd to flac
    – audio/video playback
    – virtualbox
    So I don’t need houndred applications. What I absolutely don’t need is some fancy dumbed-down interface with large shiny buttons that does one thing well – use system resources. And when I look at current linux releases I see that most of the time is spent on making nice buttons. I’d prefer they worked harder on things that these buttons actually do ;).
    So when I read about new cinamon in new Mint I’m not impressed. What impresses me is ZFS in Solaris. It would let me save much more time than new shiny buttons in linux.

  2. Alex

    When you do the review for LM14. Can you please if you can talk about Nvidia Dual Monitor. everytime I upgrade I always have an issue with dual monitor.

    Also do you have any information when an update ISO will be for for LMDE

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