Episode 80: The Return of Charles

News & Personal Updates

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  • 0:39:00 Charles Olsen and the New Users

Websites of the Week

Tip of the Week

  • Team Viewer- To help new users when they break stuff.


  • NONE

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11 Replies to “Episode 80: The Return of Charles”

  1. Roger

    About “talking directly to the kernel” in the episode and a previous one –
    As you said commands you type go to your chosen shell. Each shell has it’s own set of builtin commands. (see http://www.gnu.org/s/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Builtin-Commands.html).
    e.g.. typing date results in executing /bin/date (you can verify this with strace) but typing “echo xxxx” does not run /bin/echo (again via strace).
    Another way to look at this is to type “which echo”, “which help”, etc. I get /bin/echo for the first, nothing for the second. I think cd is built in as well since which cd returns nothing.

  2. Sid32

    Hey, forgot what eps you talked about it on, but synaptic does have an automatic install upgrade feature. You can turn it on on an individual package basis.

    It’s under the ‘package’ menu at the top. Have to auto update my google-chrome-betas packages, so I am always up to date. Wouldn’t want to set it on every package you have though…

  3. BostonPeng

    Another great show. I’ve been guilty of just handing someone a Linux disk and not doing more to get them on their way in Linux. I’ll try to do better in the future.

    It was great heariing Charles again. I discovered minCast just in time for he and Rothgar were leaving the ‘Cast. Any chance we could get a visit from Rothgar?

    KDE Rocks!

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist. 😎

  4. George Angel

    I have recently used Team Viewer for work. Its a life saver when it comes to strict firewall rules and routers. As long as you can connect to internet, it will connect.

    However, using it on my laptop at home I noticed that the Linux version is in fact a Windows version with the wine libraries bundled.

  5. Charlie

    Great show as usual. You guys give me something to listen to on my commute to/from work … even while I ride my bike to the train stations!

    May I suggest a topic for a future episode? How about video editing on Linux? I video “tape” (digital video) my son’s various activities all the time; soccer, school plays, etc. Anyway, I have found that Openshot is an excellent, easy to use program for Linux. Along with WinFF for video conversion, DeeVeeDee or DVD Styler (DVD authoring) and Brasero for burning .iso images produced by the authoring tools. All of these are available in the repos and I’ve used them all in Mint. There are lots of tools out there but I’ve had the most success with those I mentioned. Another great editor is KDenLive. It tends to be unstable but it has some really advanced tools.

    Has anyone used any of these before? It would be interesting to see what you guys have used or discover that is new or different.

    Anyway, thanks for all the great info. I always learn something new after listening to the show!


  6. Sid32

    re: Mother-in-Law and Unity.

    If she doesn’t like Unity or if anyone else doesn’t like unity and have been upgraded to 11.04, just logout and in the bottom right of the login screen find Ubuntu desktop option and switch it to Ubuntu Classic and login.

    Unity is gone and you are back in Gnome 2. 11.10 will loose this option, but you can install xfce on top of ubuntu and you will have a more recognizable desktop.

    • Scott

      Great tip Sid32. As it is, she has headed home to Florida for the winter. And to be honest, after the upgrade, I didn’t hear a word from her about Unity. Maybe it is the best desktop for non-techy computer users?!

      • Sid32

        My mom (similar user – GMail first and last) is on an old LTS of Mint. She loves it, but needs an update. Thinking Debian Mint, but know that Gnome 3 and Unity will throw her for a loop.

        She likes her current desktop which is basically the Firefox icon stretched as big as I can make it on the desktop.)

        Ps. I just got around to hearing your backup eps. I know, I know, but better late then never. Disappointed you didn’t do a quick nod to Dropbox. I know the security issues, etc, but 2 gigs is more then enough for most basic users, its fast, easy to setup, and a great tool for new users who just want a reliable backup for docs and pics. I know its not in the same league as the others mentioned, but for dead simple backup for people like my Mom, it’s a life saver.

        • Scott

          If you setup a cron job to rsync your important folders to your dropbox on a daily basis, you could almost forget about backup…unless you have more than 2 gigs of stuff to backup; then you need to pay for more dropbox.

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