Episode 130: The Time Weaver


  • Raspberry PI manufacturer to shift to UK facility for continued production. (zdnet.com)

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  • From the command line, to toggle between two directories, just use the “cd -” command.

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

5 Replies to “Episode 130: The Time Weaver”

  1. merelyjim

    With this crowd, there’s little enough love lost with regards to Microsoft Office, but the crack about the Ribbon in Word made me laugh…

    Calibre converts a whole host of different different text formats (including PDF) to Epub or Kindle. It functions as an e-book reader, too. I don’t think I’ve seen it installed in any distro by default, but it’s one of those additions that I grab right after installation.

    From the previous elisode, do you think you could throw the different commands into the show notes? I’t be fun if you didn’t provide an explination; just let us copy-and-paste into the CLI and see what turns up!

    Thanks for putting the show out there.

  2. steve

    Lots of real writers only do text and can’t be bothered with WP features. That is something for the magazine and book publishers to sort out. One of those widely unknown facts.

  3. merelyjim

    Boring Sunday yesterday! Had to find something to do, and remembered I liked Bodhi linux, mostly for Enlightenment, but hated the Ubunut base.

    Rather than distro-hop any further, I just downloaded e17 into the LMDE machine running Xfce. Reboot, log into an Enlightment session, and having fun.

    Smooth, fast and very pretty. Next step is to play with Xfce and get the same eye-candy feel…

    Recommend it for anyone who’d like to try something different than Xfce or Cinnamon.

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