
  • Episode 112: LinuxFest Northwest Lookahead

    News: Linux Mint 13 gets a name. ( MATE 1.2 released. ( Install MATE in Ubuntu. ( There is now a PPA for Cinnamon themes, extensions and applets. ( Linus […]

  • Episode 111: Home Alone

    News: Blue Systems sponsors Kubuntu. ( Samba Patch: Linux users should apply immediately. ( The expanding need to protect innovation in Linux. ( Say Goodbye to Ubuntu Linux 10.10 […]

  • Episode 76: Compiling Software on Debian Based Systems

    News & Personal Updates 0:08:32 SUSE extends Linux agreement with Microsoft for four more years. 0:12:18 Oracle purchases Ksplice. 0:24:34 The Humble Indie Bundle 3 is now […]

  • mintCast Wallpaper voting

    Listeners were asked to submit a wallpaper of their making that advertised mintCast in some way and were encouraged to be creative. We have over 80 wallpapers for you to vote on. Please vote for your favorite 5 wallpapers here.

Linux Mint

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