425 – Firefox Down

First up in the news: Ubuntu 24.04 gets a name, Mozilla Doubles Down on Firefox DEB Package, Discord is now official on Flathub, scrcpy gets an update, LXQt 1.4.0 is released, Firefox Accounts gets a Mozilla rename, Brave launches an AI, there is a new Audacity, OpenELA forms to preserve RHEL access, Element gets a new license, Proton has a new app, Fedora 39 is released, and OBS Studio 30 is out

In security and privacy: we got nothing

Then in our Wanderings: Bill gets things linked up, Joe plays with Nextcloud, Moss shuffles his files around, Majid plays musical chairs, and Eric finally buys a tablet.

  1. 00:00:00 – Intro
  2. 00:01:48 – News
  3. 01:09:23 – Bi-Weekly Wanderings
  4. 01:37:57 – Housekeeping and Announcemnts
  5. 01:38:45 – Wrap Up
  6. 01:40:38 – Special Thanks

The News

Ubuntu 24.04 gets a name

Mozilla Doubles Down on Firefox DEB Package

Discord is now Verified on Flathub

scrcpy v2.2

LXQt 1.4.0 Released

Why ‘Firefox accounts’ are becoming ‘Mozilla accounts’

Brave launches Leo AI

Audacity 3.4 Released with New Music Workflows, Time Stretch Tool

CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE unite behind OpenELA to take on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

A new home and license (AGPL) for Synapse and friends

Proton releases a brand-new Linux app with many new features for its Proton VPN service

Fedora Linux 39 is officially here!

OBS Studio 30 Released with Support for Intel QSV H264, HEVC, and AV1 on Linux

Full Show Notes Can Be Found Here

Wrap Up

Special Thanks To:

  • Bill Houser for our audio editing
  • Archive.org for hosting our audio files
  • Hobstar for our logo, initrd for the animated Discord logo
  • Londoner for our time syncs and various other contribution
  • Bill Houser for hosting the server which runs our website, website maintenance, and the NextCloud server on which we host our show notes and raw audio
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about <Thanks, Clem … and co!>

4 Replies to “425 – Firefox Down”

  1. Henrik Hemrin

    Happy to hear about more users of Joplin. I have used it for a few years, mostly for simple text notes with some markdown formatting. I recently moved my sync from one Nextcloud to another, it works well also after migration.

    Also interesting to learn about your experience of Linux on a tablet PC.

    • Bill Houser

      Thanks for the feedback, Henrik. I’ve been interested in trying Joplin for a while now. I’ve been relying on the built in notes feature with Nextcloud for some time, and just haven’t had time to look at anything else.

      I believe we’re talking about Linux on tablets on the next episode of mintCast which we’ll be recording this coming Sunday.

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