Tag: News

  • mintCast 192 – It’s Elementary

    192] Download News: Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? Linux Mint has given Reglue the opportunity to create a respin for educational purposes within their non-profit, largely due to an […]

  • mintCast 191 – A Look at Chromebooks

    191] Download News: Research Shows Chromebooks Doing Very Well in the Education Market– As we’ve noted multiple times, though, Chromebooks are finding a home in the education market, thanks to […]

  • mintCast 190 – A Buncha News

    190] Download News: The 5 first Linux Mint releases are coming back from Oblivion! The following ISOs were added to the archive and are being synced to all our mirrors: […]

  • mintCast 189 – Useful Utilities

    189] Download News: MATE Desktop Environment Will Be Available in Ubuntu 14.04– Ubuntu 14.04 will, for the first time, allow users to install the MATE desktop environment straight from the […]

  • mintCast 188 – Mint 16 KDE and Xfce

    188] Download PreShow Music: Beginner’s Luck by Lindalou and Michael Ryge (jamendo.com) still on the hill by deejoke (jamendo.com) News: Petra backports available in Linux Mint 13 – The most […]

Linux Mint

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