Tag: Linux Mint
mintCast 314.5 – Moss Interview (for real) (mp3)
In the second half of mintCast Episode 314 (314.5), Join Leo, Bo, Moss, Josh & Joe as we discuss our fellow host Moss, cover some listener feedback and talk about some cool stuff we think is worth checking out.
mintCast 314 – Moss Interview
In this episode Leo migrates his NAS to a much smaller case, Bo has been certifying, Moss is playing with a new laptop, Josh has also been playing around with a new laptop, and Joe guest hosts on Electric City Nerds! Then, our news the Linux Mint 19.2 BETA is out, Epic Games gives an Epic grant, Ubuntu 18.10 is end of life and the Pinebook Pro is available for preorder. In our, still kinda new, security section, we talk EvilGnome.
mintCast 314 – Moss Interview (mp3)
In this episode Leo migrates his NAS to a much smaller case, Bo has been certifying, Moss is playing with a new laptop, Josh has also been playing around with a new laptop, and Joe guest hosts on Electric City Nerds! Then, our news the Linux Mint 19.2 BETA is out, Epic Games gives an Epic grant, Ubuntu 18.10 is end of life and the Pinebook Pro is available for preorder. In our, still kinda new, security section, we talk EvilGnome.
mintCast 313.5 – Desktop Environments
In the second half of mintCast Episode 313 (313.5), Join Leo, Bo, Tony, Moss, Josh & Joe as we discuss our favourite desktop environments and why we use them, cover some listener feedback and talk about some cool stuff we think is worthy checking out.
mintCast 313.5 – Desktop Environments (mp3)
In the second half of mintCast Episode 313 (313.5), Join Leo, Bo, Tony, Moss, Josh & Joe as we discuss our favourite desktop environments and why we use them, cover some listener feedback and talk about some cool stuff we think is worthy checking out.
Linux Mint
The distribution that spawned a podcast. Support us by supporting them. Donate here.
We currently host our podcast at archive.org. Support us by supporting them. Donate here.
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This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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