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  • Episode 28: User Interview with Art Vanderhoff

    In this episode No episode January 3 — mintCast will return January 17. LastPass password manager Linux Mint 8 x64 released Office 2003 Rights Management Bug Locks up Files Web […]

  • I want to learn to write programs

    On our last show we answered a mail from one of our listeners, who asked: I want to learn to write programs in Linux. This is not the first time […]

  • Episode 27: GRUB

    In this episode GNOME 3 Visual Tour of GNOME 3 Shell GIMP to be removed from Lucid Another reason to use Linux – avoid jail time Original name for Linux […]

  • Episode 26: Linux Mint 8 “Helena”

    In this episode Linux Mint 8 “Helena” RC1 released Going Linux podcast has screencasts More info Hosts: Charles, Rothgar, SiKing Shared Google Reader: Charles, Rothgar Subscribe to the podcast: [iTunes] […]

  • Episode 25: User Interview with SiKing

    In this episode Ubuntu Karmic is released Skype on Linux to be Open Sourced Mandriva 2010.0 has been released User interview with Mark Lehky, a.k.a. SiKing Web site of the […]

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