mintCast 324.5 – We Got It All Wrong! (mp3)


In our Innards section, we ask where we went wrong? We revisit last year’s predictions…

And finally, our listener feedback.


Revisiting 2019 Predictions:


  • This year we will not only see edge on chromium we will also see edge OS based on chromium.
    • Probably next year, although the announcement for edge chromium is official
  • Dex/Linux will develop into something useable
    • boooo
  • A distro that uses snap for all applications by design.
    • That was already done last year 


  • Microsoft Edge will be available for Linux
    • Almost. Give it another month or two
  • GUI Applications will be supported in Windows Subsystem for Linux


  • Year of the Proton desktop! I predict in 2019 games will advertise Proton support.
  • What the hell is happening to Ubuntu? IPO or Purchased by IBM competitor?
    • Neither as yet. Mark Shuttleworth continues to maintain he is not interested in selling or going public.

Tony W

  • N64 Classic Mini will be released, with Goldeneye and running Linux
    • Nope, nothing from Nintendo.  There was, however a Sega Genesis mini released in September 2019.
  • Librem 5 will ship in late 2019 (November/December)
    • Mostly true, but not the finished product they promised (and kept changing their promises)
  • A big box store will sell a computer with desktop Linux pre-installed
    • Nope

Tony H

  • A new Raspberry Pi will be launched with better hardware (USB3, 2Gig Ram, m2 SSD port) and a new board format but at the $35 price point
    • New model except no M.2 SSD port and the $35 was 1Gb Ram but we did get a 2 and 4GB Ram version for $45 and $55 also they maintained the current format if some of the components were switched around.  
    • This, despite the fact that Raspberry Pi specifically announced that they would NOT have a new model in 2019. Huge points for Tony H. 


  • Microsoft will purchase SUSE Linux
    • MS instead bought into the Linux Foundation, Open Software Foundation, and just about every other Linux thing out there, and unless they are paying Canonical for the work on WSL is hardly shelling out anything, with no added responsibility.  And now it looks like Canonical has taken an insulating step away from Microsoft, with the unveiling of Ubuntu Pro on AWS.


  •  Nigel Verity
  • T L 
  • Tony Sirna 
  • Benjamin Moser
  • DWY 
  • Dave Lindberg 



  • Next Episode will be December 29th, 2PM Central, 8PM UTC
  • While it should be back up by the time you hear this in your podcast catcher, is currently down. We’re working on getting it back up and seems to be a mistake in billing.


Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible … 

  • Josh for all his work on the website and the livestream
  • Bytemark Hosting for hosting and our Mumble server
  • for hosting our audio files
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about (Thanks, Clem!)

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