mintCast 321.5 – Wololo (mp3)


In our Innards section, we decide when it’s the right time to suggest switching to Linux.

And finally, our community feedback.


  • Intro
  • When NOT to recommend
    • Dependence on proprietary software
      • Audio/video production, but depends on the need.  Some FOSS applications are very good at the basics
    • Too resistant to change
    • Not receptive to idea of free software being quality – assume free = low quality and not professional or dependable
    • When they have unsupported hardware
  • When to recommend
    • Mostly just uses their computer for Internet and email
    • Already uses some open source software, Open/LibreOffice, Firefox, VLC, GIMP/Glimpse etc.
    • Have unsupported Win version (Vista, etc) on old hardware
    • Interested in new stuff
    • Wants to learn to program
  • Put Linux on in a dual boot
    • “Just in case” second OS for someone who will primarily use Windows/Mac
      • Grub Customizer to move Linux to 2nd boot option in this scenario
    • Linux first, retain Windows/Mac “just in case”
  • Distro to use
    • Mint, obviously
    • Fedora if they want to get into computer administration or IT
    • MX for older machines or dislike of systemd {which other light 32-bit distros?}
    • Deepin or Pearl Desktop 8 for super pretty desktops (both of these may be contraindicated for political reasons)
    • Don’t be afraid to recommend buying used hardware when the user really needs it. T430s and X220s are cheap and will be good for another 5+ years. Any intel first gen i3/5 or AMD equivalent (6), is more than adequate for low resource case usage.
    • Anything else, for different use cases?


  • Henrik Hemerin .



  • George From Tulsa

Cinnamon Spices:

  • John

  • Peter Jones
  • Brad Alexander

  • Bill Dietrich


  • Moss – new find, FossPost – they also have a Telegram (announcements only) called OpenPigeon


  • Next Show: Nov 17, 2019 – 2PM central time


Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible …

  • Josh Lowe for all his work on the website and the livestream (We’ve had over 60 listeners today on the backup mixer platform and brought on some new listeners who’ve never heard of the podcast)
  • Bytemark Hosting for hosting and our Mumble server
  • for hosting our audio files
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about <Thanks, Clem!>

2 Replies to “mintCast 321.5 – Wololo (mp3)”

  1. Henrik Hemrin

    Dependence on proprietary software – I would rather say software not available for Linux. One issue you touched upon is handling of your legacy; all data you already have in a software that cannot be read by any Linux software (of course can same issue whatever OS, or even releases, you move between). For me, that can be how I should get “all” meta data, face recognition data and more from my current DAM (Digital Asset Manager) to one of those available in Linux, or how much work I am prepared to redo manually.

    Regarding distros for beginners, if not going for any Mint flavour and looking for an elegant desktop, I was thinking of elementary. I have only tried it briefly. But I think it can be a on option for a beginner, especially if the beginner want something resembling of macOS desktop.

  2. Moss Bliss

    If you like macOS like distros, I would suggest that Pearl Desktop 8 might be better than Elementary; Elementary keeps trying to distance itself from macOS, but Pearl is aiming for it. You may have problems with some of politics behind this (or may not), as the developer appears to be pretty far out right-wing, which shows itself in an added bookmark on Firefox and included plugins in Kodi for the most part, but you can remove those with no damage to the system. It’s also a much less locked-in system than Elementary, and is also based on Ubuntu (19.04).


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