mintCast 314.5 – Moss Interview (for real)


How Did You Get Into Linux/mintCast 

(Questions by community member Oliver Kelly)

We’re roasting Moss today…

What got you into Linux?

I started playing with Linux in the early 2000s, I got Slackware and Red Hat disks but was too timid to look up all the information on all my cards. I finally got Mandrake to run, and it was fun but was not ready to replace all the things I did. Mandrake had a numerical upgrade, which would not work on my computer. Then I tried SuSE (just before OpenSUSE started), and it ran. But it was strictly niche at that point. My next-door neighbor played with things and eventually had two Windows boxes, a homemade Hackintosh, and a Fedora box, all networked; years later, he passed and bequeathed all those computers to me. When XP users were being pushed to 7, I moved to Ubuntu Gnome. When Ubuntu moved to Unity, that would not run on my computer, and I went back to Win7. I had some Win 8/8.1 computers but got over that, and went back to 7. Then when they tried to force me to Win 10, I tried it, saw all the open holes, found I couldn’t close all the security holes, went back to 7, and found most of the holes were left open. So I installed Linux Mint 17 and have not gone back. Linux has grown substantially in the last 15 years, and is now, in my opinion, a better system than Windows.


What do you love most about Linux?

Variety. Fragmentation, if you will. If you want to make something different, whether better or not, you can, or you can find large groups of people working on it.


What’s your current favorite distro?

Tie between Linux Mint 19.1 and Bodhi 5.0.0. Bodhi still as some growing to do, and Linux Mint can get boring at times, but LM always gets stuff done.


Where do you want mintCast to go in the next 12 months?

We’re a bit short on ideas for new topics, and could use more community input on that subject. I know at times I’m very strained for time and may have to decide to leave, but people complain we have too many hosts now so that shouldn’t be an issue.


What are your must have applications for a fresh install?

  • SoftMaker Office
  • Firefox (if not included)
  • Audacity
  • Stacer
  • Discord & Telegram-Desktop
  • Printer (MFC-J291DW)
  • Mumble
  • Games
    • Kmines
    • kMahjongg
    • kNetwalk
    • Nethack (X11)
    • PySol FC


You guys don’t monetize where a lot of others do? Why is that?

I could really use the money but I don’t see myself as a professional podcaster. And the other guys don’t need the money. So unless I have a patron system for JUST ME and can justify that, we’re not going there.



  • <Jim from Raleigh> $66.95


  • <Benjamin Moser>


  • <Stan Reichardt>

Twit.TV web site, FLOSS Weekly.  FLOSS Weekly Guests spreadsheet lists Clement Lefebvre has agreed to a show – negotiating dates.


  • <Brad Alexander>


  • <Hilander>


  • <Curt Matz>





  • Leo announced an invitation to listeners to be included in the interviews



           Occasional Blog

           Twitter @TonyH1212, [email protected] 


Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible …

  • Josh for working on redesigning our website, setting up the YouTube stream, and providing lots of technical help.
  • Bytemark hosting for providing the new hosting server for the website.
  • for hosting our audio files.
  • The folks at Hacker Public Radio for the Mumble server we use to communicate
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about. [Thanks Clem!]

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