mintCast 303 – New Users, Start Here pt 2

mintCast Episode
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And now, here’s the show:
Welcome to mintCast Episode 303.
This is Leo and this week with me are Moss (not last this week) and Tony Hughes and Tony Watts and Joe and Bo (sorta) and we’re recording live on February 24th, 2019.
First up, in our wanderings, more security vulnerabilities, some OpenMandriva news, another LUG, the return of the Dell 7130, and more distro hopping
In the news, we have some updates, some goodbyes
In the innards, we hit more new user help with tons of pointers
And finally, plenty of listener feedback to chat about


Writing again at
Documenting my GUI setup in Mint
Trackpad issue on t450s
Flatpak vulnerability
snapd vulnerability (Dirty Sock)

I spent several hours getting OpenMandriva 3.03 installed (almost 1400 updates, plus all my usual stuff). My system includes 4 distros on separate partitions. They have played together well. OM played with others better than any distro I’ve seen. And then… my Ubuntu Studio 18.10 installation updated its Grub, which, without asking permission, rewrote the whole Grub on the system. Now my three Ubuntu-based distros work, but OpenMandriva goes into a kernel panic at Step 2. I decided to blow away the offender (Ubuntu Studio 18.10) first. I heard there was a MATE flavor of MX. I found that was not true, but found some very confusing instructions on installing MATE DE on MX. Not being as stoopid as I used to be, I managed it. So I found and installed OpenMandriva 4 beta. Went smoothly. Everything seems to work, although it’s still beta. But now, MX is not booting, returning a 32-bit error. At this point, only my LM 19.1 MATE install is fully configured; I just have to troubleshoot the printer function in Bodhi 5 and finish configuring Kodi (not easy) to get that up and running. OM 4 is missing some files which would get Mullvad running, other things to follow. And I need to reinstall MX or find something else for Partition #4.
Update on Life: My mother is finally in the rehabilitation facility she should have been in a month ago, but is not optimistic about ever leaving. And my soggy car is still the same, ServPro said they can fix it for $500-700, everyone else tells me to “total” the car and get my insurance money. BTW, the rain has been so bad in this area that a rockslide has closed Interstate 40 on the North Carolina side of the mountains going from here to Asheville and large portions of Knoxville were so flooded I could not drive Uber last night.

Ordered Controller Board for 3d printer
Got an enclosure for the 3d printer in the hopes that it will prevent that from happening again and maybe improve my prints
Had fun at the local lug
Helped set up virtual box using an already existing hard drive with Windows
Then helped set up x2go on the same machine so that someone could remote into linux and launch the vm of windows
Reading up on pi hole docker
Need to rebuild my server. Gotta decide what to do
Purchased a mic stand extension.

Tony Watts
Upgraded Dell 7130 wifi card – thanks Craig!
Updating my arcade cabinet
Swap out tower for either a lower power (and heat) or maybe a pi
Must update OS
Looking at Lakka, Retropie, Recalbox.

Tony Hughes
Using a ‘Fake’ USB3 Flash drive I bought on Ebay as a Multiboot drive as it is still useful for this despite not being much better than USB2, I did get my money refunded from the place I bought them from so it ended up being free (as in Beer)
Installing Mint 19.1 to an old Vista era Sony VAIO laptop with a Pentium dual core processor and 2Gig RAM. For an old machine it runs well despite the fact it kicks out almost as much heat as a small power station. The Aspire 5720 didn’t go quite as well and I ended up having to install Mint 18 as 19 just kept crashing during the install, some kernel issues but I did end up with a working laptop. These have now been passed onto a charity working with the homeless community.
Playing with OpenSUSE Tumbleweed in VirtualBox and on one of my Dell 6220’s so far it looks quite nice with the Plasma DE, I couldn’t face GNOME and it didn’t have the option of a MATE DE install.
Got the ota update to Android 9 for my Nokia 6, first impressions are good as I only got it first thing yesterday morning so only had about 36 hours to get a feel of it. It does have at least one bug on this phone, I can’t change the wallpaper for the home screen, but it left my previous one so not too worried. I also upgraded the phone to a 64Gb micro SD card into my phone to expand the 32Gb internal storage. The new card is far faster than the previous 16Gig and I have noticed a difference in the speed of podcast downloads which are stored to the card.


LibreOffice 6.2 – will be the last version with 32-bit support
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS release will be reaching end of life in less than two months
[Moss] 2018 Best Of Award Winners – GNU World Order won in the Podcast category with 20% of votes (9 votes). (Voting Results here)
Riot, open-source Slack alternative, is out of beta


Checking your disk health
[Gnome] Disks is a utility that covers:
Partition creation/resizing
Partition checking [fsck] and maintenance
Partition backup and restore (a compliment to Timeshift)
Disk SMART attributes
Disk Benchmarking

Tony H
Office suite – LibreOffice, Calligra Suite, GNOME office suite, GNU Cash,
Tony W: Office compatibility
Libreoffice first. If there are compatibility issues in LibreOffice:
Word online – it’s free
Office365 (paid, more features)
MS Office in Wine – older versions typically work
Moss – Not Free: SoftMaker Office (FreeOffice is SMO old edition)
Don’t be afraid to use software you need to pay for, and don’t be afraid to pay for “free software”. Any time you complain they don’t have “x” software for Linux, and then refuse to pay for the software you’re using, you are perpetuating the issue. I use SoftMaker Office, as I’ve said on many occasions, because it is completely M$ compatible, much more so than ODF office packages like LibreOffice. It’s $79.95 first time, $39.95 upgrades. (If you use that other OS we won’t mention, you can find SoftMaker sold as Ashampoo Office, often at hefty discounts.)
Video and Audio playback – VLC, Media player, Rhythmbox, Kodi, Spotify,
Internet – Firefox, Chrome/chromium/etc., iceweasel, Midori, Seamonkey, Web
Audio Editing – Audacity, Ardour, Frinika,
VOIP – Skype, Discord, Mumble….
Video Editing – OpenShot, Handbrake, KDEnlive, Shotcut, Cinelarra….
Photo editing – GIMP, InkScape, Pinta, Darktable, Krita (similar to manga studio), Raw Therapee ….
Mobile file transfer and file sync – KDE connect, GNOME Connect, DropBox, Box, Google Drive

Ebook reader
A comic book reader
Everyone should know about this
Extensions do a lot
Flash downloader
Ebook readers
Video downloader
Https everywhere
Dark mode
Ublock origin
BTsync/resilio sync
Good tool for automation
Pi hole docker

ALL For gaming
Proton, DXVK and Wine
PCSXR for Playstation
Nestopia for NES
Snes9x for SNES
Desmume for Nintendo DS
Fuze for ZX Spectrum

Links from the Aether:
AWX Ansible
Linux in Easy Steps 6th edition (illustrated using Linux Mint)


Next episode will air at 2PM Central Time on Sunday 10th March 3pm EST/8pmUTC
mintCast MeWe group:

Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible …
KWisher for the “PiCaster”, a Raspberry Pi that streams each episode as we record it
The folks at Hacker Public Radio for the Mumble server we use to communicate
The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about

4 Replies to “mintCast 303 – New Users, Start Here pt 2”

    • Syd

      The Synaptics mouse issue (losing two finger scrolling after waking from suspend) is a well known issue on ThinkPad T450 and X250 models (maybe others, I’m not sure).
      The solution is to add the following kernel parameter:


      In other words, add that to your GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in etc/default/grub so it looks something like this:

      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash psmouse.synaptics_intertouch=0″

      Then run: sudo update-initramfs -u

      Reboot, and you’re good to go.

  1. Scott Orlando


    I am not sure why you would have so many Distros on one hard drive. Why wouldn’t you run from a live USB stick? Or buy some cheap SSD’s that you can keep your go to Distros on. 120GB SSD run about 20 bucks.

    What I have done to try Distros (I remember you saying you have a draw of usb sticks) is purchasing Micro SD cards with USB 3.0 adapter. I use this to organize my cards. Nice and compact like a credit card (See below)

    Keep up the good work guys

    Scotty O

  2. hehemrin

    Nice episode including many things not at least for us beginners! Thanks for also having the show notes above, it’s a great support when going back and remember what it was I should try, spelling etc.

    One comment about Office suite and using Microsoft Office online in one shape or another, vs MS Office via Wine (or for that matter any other installed office suite: It is indeed a difference if you want to be able to do all offline or not, and if storing in the cloud, which cloud you want to use or what kind of documents you want to “share” with that cloud. I’m not saying you shouldn’t use the cloud software or storage, but it is a difference to be aware of between having it all in your hands or in the cloud.

    Talking about Wine, what can you say about using Wine “directly” vs the commercial sw CrossOver? I recall there are some more packaged versions of Wine as well, forgot their names from top of my mind.

    Finally, I agree there seems to be multiple interesting photo editing tools for Linux. And just for editing new files, fine. The issue is the already edited files as well as the library (with all its different types of metadata). Going from one sw to another can as I understand give a lot of lost job. This is not just a Linux thing, it applies changing sw within Linux, Win or macOS. I have not changed sw myself, but understood this in my review. This is just a comment, not a question really.

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