mintCast 301 – Containerized Packages

Bi-Weekly Wanderings

  • Leo
    • Got a tiny little HP Stream, and of course, put Linux Mint 19.1 on it
    • Getting into video editing using Shotcut from flatpak
  • Tony W
    • Dell 7130 testing
      • Wifi does not work out of box (expected)
      • dock/undock issues in Linux
      • Disable USB 3.0 Controller to get keyboard working in Grub etc
      • Ubuntu 16.04
      • Mint 19.1
      • Android x86
  • Joe
    • The Cons of the 7130
      • Battery life is not that great
      • Need proprietary charger if drained low
      • Loud under high load
      • Will not support 2 displaylink monitors very well
      • The largest micro sd card i can get it to reliably support is 32gb
      • Heavier than a normal tablet or surface pro
    • Mounted an sd drive to the save folder.
      • Remember to add to fstab or disks
      • Prefer to format ext4 next time
    • Waiting for parts from China sucks
    • Need to setup ssh keys on new device
    • Got a 3d printer
    • Cura appimage
    • Mcomix snap
  • Moss
    • GAFilk in Atlanta was great 1/10-1/13.
    • I got rid of LMDE, wasn’t using it or even configuring it. Replaced with Deepin 15.8, couldn’t get Grub Customizer (they used to include this). Replaced that with MX 18. I REALLY like this distro but HATE the desktop.
    • I finally got tired of apologizing for KDE neon. Half the time I booted to it, the full desktop would not load; it would halt at different points.
    • LM 19.1 MATE has been offering zero problems for either myself or my wife. I did an upgrade from 19 on my machine, full install on hers.
    • Got all my new gear in from Tux Digital — sticker, hoodie. Hoodie is VERY lightweight — and one size smaller than advertised (but so am I). Absolutely love love love the logo.
    • LM 19.1 XFCE has not been any better than MATE in any way that I can see, and one of my games locks up (PySol FC) from the time I attempt to play the first card. Looking for a replacement.
    • Bodhi 5.0.0 huh?
  • Tony H
    • Resubscribed to the MagPi magazine and got a free Pi3 A+ as a free gift, check it out here:

    • Recording HPR episodes 2735, 2738 and 2743
    • Baking Bread
    • Reinstalling a Lenovo x201 i5
    • Dual booting a Dell E6220 for a young member of our LUG Joe

The News

Linux Innards

  • Moss
    • Repos, deb/rpm, PPAs and Synaptic/Apt
  • Tony H
    • Software Manager – Flatpack applications are available in the software manager.
    • I also installed the appimage of Etcher on my laptop and Desktop PC and as each programme is independent of each other you can have more than one version of the same programme installed and running at the same time.
  • Joe
    • Docker
  • Leo
    • Flatpak, Snap
  • TonyW
    • AppImage
      • Wide selection of app images here

Check This Out!

  • Leo
    • To see if you can turn on fwupdate
      • fwupdate -s
    • To enable it
      • fwupdate -e
    • To list updates
      • fwupdate -l
  • Moss
    • Shell for Newbies! Fish shell 3.0
      • Autosuggestions as you type
      • Syntax highlighting with extensive error checking.
      • Searchable command history.
      • 256 terminal colors
      • Advanced tab completion.
      • Web-based configuration
      • A special help command gives access to all the fish documentation in the user’s web browser
      • Error messages designed to actually tell the user what went wrong and what can be done about it
      • Much, much more
    • Does anyone care that Gradio has been replaced by Shortwave?
  • Tony H
    • While at my LUG the conversation turned to aircraft and one of the members mentioned this web site that allows you to track flight movements.,15/6
    • I was listening to one of the many podcasts that I listen to, Destination Linux and they mentioned this bundle service for books similar to Humble Bundle, called Story Bundle. They currently have a SciFi bundle available and you can choose how much the authors receive of your purchase donation.

11 Replies to “mintCast 301 – Containerized Packages”

  1. Peter Jones

    Thanks for the show guys.

    Tony W was talking about not being able to use higher that 32GB SD Cards. I had a similar problem with the raspberry Pi and it was due to the cards being formatted with exFAT instead of FAT32. Anyway here is a link to the article that helped me. It may or may not help you:

    Regarding Deep Dives. Yes please to Joe on Docker and Leo on Flatpak as you two seemed to have great knowledge to share. It would be doubly great if it were accompanied by good notes though.

    Leo – It was me that was commenting on the issue with Snaps not taking on the local themes. Lets hope Snaps sort this soon.

    If any listeners haven’t caught the live stream and the IRC during the show I urge you to give it a go. It really brought a extra dimension to the show.

    I agree about the Bi-Weekly Wanderings. It is a too long long (but do keep it at the start). I love to hear what you are all doing at the moment, but the Dell 7130 stuff was a little drawn out in my humble opinion.


    • mintCast

      The deep dives are really fun for me, and it turns out, most of what I said in the show was off of some notes I had put together. I can send them to you if you’d like. I didn’t add them to the show notes because I thought it might make the notes too long (it was a couple pages!).

      On snaps, yes. They’re a bit easier than hoping that the ppa never goes down or moves. I’m on board with all these sandboxed apps, but the theme weirdness does chip away at my sanity.


  2. Gramps

    I wouldn’t worry too much about having a large number of hosts. What matters more is interesting content and discussion. Probably the best thing to do is follow advice I was given years ago, “Before you speak, make sure your words improve on silence.”

  3. Scotty O

    I like the show no matter how you have it structured. Having 2 hosts or 6 is fine as long as the show flows. Sometime with a lot of diverse views are great to have.

    The only feedback is sometimes when you discuss a subject, it does go over my head as I am not in the Computer field and only been a user of LinuxMint for about 1 year now. I have build 2 PC that use Mint and I have never tried another Distro, not even MATE, XFCE for Mint.

    Keep up the good work guys. BTW I still have not followup trying the ideas you gave me in a previous email (The older hosts) from a couple of months back.

    Scotty O

    • Peter Jones

      It’s always hard to hit the right level as you will always have a mix of skills among the audience.

      PS. My original post had a few typos in it. Apologies.. I must stop trying to do these things from my phone without my reading glasses on!

    • mintCast

      I agree with Peter in his reply to you, too! With our huge and mixed cast, we can hit a little bit of everything. From the tinkerers to the gamers to the “I just want it to work” types. I think that’s pretty reflective of the users of Mint as well.

      Sorry about the stuff flying over your head! But, about that. I’ve been chatting with some others in the Telegram group and they’ve given me some really good ideas to write about on a blog I have that’s grown cobwebs over the past few months. So, if you’re interested in digging a little deeper, I’m happy to write or demonstrate things that don’t fit into the show very well for you.

      Thanks for the feedback!


  4. hehemrin

    Firmware update: Someone, Leo I believe, said that you often need a Windows partition to update firmware on Linux machines. Any suggestion when Windows is not possible (eg HDD too small for having Windows as well on it)? Any possibility firmware updaters can be reached via Wine (or CrossOver), or something? Anything you can talk more about in a coming episode?

    Regarding FlatPak, I installed one application. I noticed however then that it was quite an old version of the application. And when I read info more carefully, it was updated in FlatHub 31 Dec 2017, and also with this statement “NOTE: This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by [developer of the application]”. Can it be so that the quality of the FlatHub library can be less up to date than eg the ordinary library in Linux Mint software manager? That this person who included it in FlatHub has lost time/interest to do it more times… Anyway, more of your knowledge of FlatPak, Dockers and more is of interest to hear more about in coming episodes.

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