mintCast 293 – LMDE 3 and new hosts



Bi-weekly Wanderings:

  • Isaac has been playing with Sonic Pi and working with the Raspberry Pi.
  • Rob has been working with Bash
    • alias dus=’f(){ du -h -d 1 “$@” | sort -h; unset -f f; }; f’


Linux Innards:

  • Rob, Isaac, and the new hosts talk about LMDE 3.

Vibrations from the Ether:

Check this out!:

Pre-Show Music:

Podcast Announcements:

More Information:

Hosts: Rob and Isaac
Live Stream every other Sunday 2:00 p.m.(Central):

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

8 Replies to “mintCast 293 – LMDE 3 and new hosts”

  1. Brian in Dorset, England

    Great to hear the new guys. I love the Mintcast format including it being ‘family friendly’. I’ve been a listener since around MC50.
    ‘Keep tinkering and having fun’ as Isaac says.

  2. Michael

    As always, it was entertaining and occasionally educational. Looks like the show will be in good hands with whomever takes up the torch. Good job Rob and Isaac. Although I never quite did get the review of LMDE3 I was expecting! 🙂

    Fear not about LMDE3 and the kernel. The gentleman was incorrect about the version–it really is version 4.9.x, *not* 4.0.9. Not sure where he’s getting that from. I admit the 4.9.x kernel is a bit of an odd choice as the 4.4.x series is the official long-term support kernel. However it’s a safe bet that the debian maintainers have backported any necessary patches to the 4.9 kernel with regards to spectre and meltdown. Also the 4.4 kernels have these in as well, as that’s part of the deal with long term kernels. In fact the 4.4 kernel should receive major security updates for 6 years from it’s release. And that’s from the kernel devs, not the distro maintainers who often backport security patches far longer (RHEL 7 only recently moved to the 3.10 kernel after years at 2.6, although I run 4.18 on without problems). I’m sure you can fairly easily run the latest 4.18 kernel if you so desire, but it’s not essential.

    • mintCast

      Sorry for the light touch on LMDE3. I’ve been a bit reluctant to take the plunge on the primary podcast streaming box, so I don’t have many miles of actual use yet.

  3. Will

    Interesting change of format with all the extra guest hosts. It is a shame that none of their personal links were included in the show notes to the episode. It seems like there will be an interesting show left behind after Rob and Isaac retire, but still I will miss them just like I miss Scott and all the hosts of other shows that have ended.

  4. Jan Espen Pedersen

    I often listen to mintCast during my walks and ep.293 started great with all these new interesting people. I would love to hear their view on things. Sadly the show format was not changed and Rob and Isaac kept going on in their usual matter.
    I didn’t hear the other ones until my one hour walk was done.

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