mintCast 276 – Mint news and what’s next for MintCast




Main Topic:

  • Rob talks about some computer cleanup he had to do. Rob and Isaac debate on what to do for the future of MintCast.

Tips & Websites:

What are you reading?:

  • Rob
    • Idiot’s Guide to Philosophy – Jay Stephenson
    • Reasonable Faith – William Lane Craig
    • Tomorrow’s Kin – Nancy Kress
    • Sabbath as Resistance – Walter Brueggemann
  • Isaac
    • Infinite Ascent: a short history of mathematics – David Berlinski
      • Finished
    • Everything and more: a compact history of infinity — David Foster Wallace
    • Mister B Gone — Cliver Barker
      • Finished…not bad but he has better books
    • Imagining Numbers: (particularly the square root of minus fifteen) — Barry Mazur
    • Robert Oppenheimer: A life inside the center
    • A bunch of JavaScript and AngularJS books

What are you listening to?:

Pre-Show Music:

Podcast Announcements:

  • Next podcast will be Sunday, October 9, 2017 to talk about getting a Linux Mint build environment set up and look at next steps on our new project.

More Information:

Hosts: Rob and Isaac
Live Stream every other Monday 6:00 p.m.(Central):

Contact Us:

More Linux Mint info: website, blog, forums, community


Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

5 Replies to “mintCast 276 – Mint news and what’s next for MintCast”

  1. Josh R. Lee

    You mention that you use an adblocker, Rob; and tell websites to “find some other ways of making money”. Would you be willing to pay websites directly instead?

    You can pay $5 to Flattr every month, install their browser extension, and they’ll split your monthly subscription among the websites and creators you spend the most time on. You can give Flattr to websites or individual users on YouTube, Twitch, GitHub, etc.

    Creators —including open source developers and podcasters— sign up, link their domains and accounts across various web services, and will then receive funds from the people who engage with them every month. Flattr is also integrated with many podcasting and other apps.

    Flattr can be a great way to contribute to the developers, organizations, and creators you enjoy content from every month.

    Flattr charges fees comparable to Patreon, but as a user you become a Patreon of every corner of the web that you frequent instead of just a few individual creators. (Swedish company, so strict EU privacy protection laws apply to the data Flattr collects about your browsing.)

  2. Robert Orzanna

    Thank you for the podcast! Can I support you on Patreon?

    Just switched to Linux Mint and enjoyed listening to your most recent episode. Would like to support your efforts with a small donation.

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