mintCast 269 – Beyond LFS!




Main Topic:

  • Isaac started installing LXDE.
  • Rob talks about his adventures using LFScript.

Tips & Websites:

What are you reading?:

  • Rob
    • Finished: Old Man’s War – John Scalzi
    • The Ghost Brigades – John Scalzi
    • This Is Our Time: Everyday Myths in Light of the Gospel — Trevin Wax
    • The Way of Kings — Brandon Sanderson
    • When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor…and Yourself  — Steve Corbett
    • Beginning Android Games — Mario Zechner
  • Isaac
    • Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA” by Tim Weiner
    • The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes’ rule changed the world” by Sharon McGrayne
    • Libertarianism: A Primer” by David Boaz

Pre-Show Music:

Podcast Announcements:

  • No announcements

More Information:

Hosts: Rob and Isaac
Live Stream every other Sunday 2:00 p.m.(Central):

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

2 Replies to “mintCast 269 – Beyond LFS!”

  1. Will

    I think Mycroft was always pretty clear about it being possible to run it yourself on a Raspberry Pi. The point of the hardware device is to put it in a nice case with a decent microphone and speaker — how did they do with that?

    From what I heard, Mycroft sends the audio it records out to a text to speech and intent parsing service. This service is configurable, but the last I heard was that Google’s service was the default. So the advantage over Google Home is just that everything goes to Mycroft first which kind of acts like a VPN. Maybe Mozilla’s work on text to speech could help create an independent alternative.

    Nice to hear about all your struggles and successes. The only times I have messed around with bootloaders I have used systemd-boot instead of GRUB. I don’t know how GRUB compares, but systemd-boot is pretty simple

    • mintCast

      You are right Will that they were clear from the jump about that. The case is very nice and the microphone/speaker both seem to be nice. Guess it’s somewhat hard to judge the mic though since you have to perfectly sound out the words that you are saying else Mycroft can’t parse what you said. So I can’t tell if it’s a bad mic or just the voice parsing software on which carries more of the blame. All that being said, it goes to show just how far Google has ran away with voice services since I can speak into Google assistant on my phone with the windows down in my car going 70 and it knows exactly what I said.

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