mintCast 233 – Give it Away




  • Monthly News – September 2015 (
  • Google Chromebooks: The most popular classroom computing device (
  • The Linux Foundation Says You Should Install Linux on Your Chromebook (
  • Debian dropping the Linux Standard Base (
  • The Linux Kernel to Celebrate Its 24th Birthday (
  • Celebrating 5 years of LibreOffice (

Main Topic: Isaac Carter on Giving Computers Away



  • Cinnamon’s Hot Corners (
    • Isaac wanted to remind everybody about “Hot Corners”. He’s been using them more and more lately.  Just something that’s always been there that he knew about and never used, but since using them more he can’t live without them.

Pre-Show Music:

  • Playlist – “Traffic Jam” by Jamhippo  (

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

2 Replies to “mintCast 233 – Give it Away”

  1. 3dbloke

    My son went off to Uni a few weeks ago with a Windows 7 laptop for serious work and gaming and an ASUS Chromebook Flip for daytime use (out and about) to which, I was quite surprised to find, he took an almost immediate liking. I played with it for a while before handing it over to him “powerwashed” and went out and bought one for myself. Absolutely LOVE it. The touch screen makes a huge difference in usabilty, and I get around 11 or 12 hours use from the battery. Amazingly useful and a joy to behold 🙂

    I would not even consider putting Linux on it. Why spoil something that is as near perfect as it’s possible to be? A place for everything and everything in its place. (who said that?)

  2. mparm920

    I know this isn’t a chromebook podcast but I bought a lenovo x131e chromebook and did crouton for while but this also supports 8gb of ram and has a extra laptop size hard drive. Which I put a 120 gb ssd and was able to mount that for my chroot environment. The only thing that really bugs me is the 11.6 screen size, made it hard to do actual work. I am considering blowing away the chromeos and putting a full dist on the 16gb and partitioning up the 120gb ssd for the home. Like the podcast even when it does get a bit side tracked

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