mintCast 214 – Linux Mint Christmas Wish List

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  • Your Linux PC isn’t as secure as you think it is (
  • Fedora 21 is here, and it’s creating a bit of a buzz (
  • Open source continues its march into the Public sector worldwide (
  • Barnes & Noble and Microsoft end their Nook partnership (

Main Topic: The Top 10 Things We Want for Christmas in Linux Mint

  1. Backports of major applications into the Linux Mint 17.x series
  2. An affordable, workable Steam Machine console
  3. More AAA games
  4. Linux to become a major player in the IoT market, bringing standardization and simplicity.
  5. Professional (proprietary)  multimedia applications like Photoshop, Pro Tools, Avid etc.
  6. LMDE kept up-to-date, as much as possible, with the main edition
  7. A version of mumble-jack that works on 17.x
  8. Reasonably priced Linux laptops
  9. An upgrade path that works!  (Scott grumbling)
  10. Greater unity in the FOSS world (can’t we all just get along?)

Pre-Show Music:

Web Site:

  • Zim – A Desktop Wiki ( Zim can be used to:
    • Keep an archive of notes
    • Take notes during meetings or lectures
    • Organize task lists
    • Draft blog entries and emails
    • Do brainstorming

Tip of the Podcast:

  • A tmux primer “There are 4,257 tutorials on tmux. That’s a rough number that I just made up. This one is designed to take you from ‘wtf tmux’ to ‘omg tmux’ with extreme haste.” (

Podcast Announcements:

  • If you’re a mintCast listener, and would like a way to give something back, then consider making a donation in support of Ken Starks’ organization, Reglue ( Your donation will do more good there than most other places we can think of.
  • SCaLE 13x: The 13th annual Southern California Linux Expo (February 19-22, 2015) Hilton Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles, CA
  • Kansas Linux Fest (March 21-22, 2015) Lawrence, KS
  • LinuxCon North America (August 17-19, 2015) in Seattle, WA

More Information:

Hosts: Rob, Scott, Joe
Live Stream every other Sunday 2:00 p.m.(Central):

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

3 Replies to “mintCast 214 – Linux Mint Christmas Wish List”

  1. Will

    I am just curious what Rob meant when he said he tried not to listen to the Linux Action Show. I listened to one episode and it seemed a little bit overproduced and perhaps a little too positive about mainstream Linux (Canonical and Red Hat) for my tastes but it seemed like an okay show.

  2. catenary

    Nice to see Zim get some love. Sounds like Rob started with One Note and is now playing with Zim, I started with Zim and am now picking up One Note. I started using ZIm when I started using Mint 10 and Tomboy wasn’t working out. If you want a light note taking program with unlimited topic nesting and To Do list integration, which can also be used on Windows, Zim is a good choice.

  3. Michael

    The LAS show with Pottering was excellent, and a must listen to. I listened to it and got a very different view of things than the person whose feedback Rob read on the show. systemd is *not* going to gobble up package management. Pottering’s work on software management is a related but separate issue to systemd. Pottering has no intention of replacing deb or rpm. But he brings up excellent points about the limitations of all package management systems. They are good for distro makers and users, but lousy for developers trying to release binary, easy-to-run packages. As an example I point to the Ubuntu OwnCloud debacle. And for projects like LibreOffice and VirtualBox, releasing binaries for the plethora of distributions is a nightmare, unless a distro picks it up and maintains the packages. Different distros have different versions of packages they would like to build against, like GTK. Both VirtualBox and LibreOffice ship their own versions of GTK bundled with their packages because of this. Pottering’s idea is to use deb and rpm for what they are good at, the base operating system and core libraries that don’t change that often like glibc and openssl, and then let developers release and maintain binaries of third-party apps and libraries themselves, perhaps installing in a similar fashion to OS X where libraries go in a Frameworks directory, where things are versioned and multiple versions can all be installed simultaneously. It’s a good idea, and it addresses some of the biggest frustrations I’ve had with Linux over the last 20 years or so. I like a stable distribution that I don’t need to reinstall every year, but I do like to be able to run the latest LibreOffice, or the latest Gimp, or the latest VirtualBox. Just recently I wanted to run a more recent version of Wine on LMDE. Trying to pull in Jessie packages to do this was a nightmare. I ended up compiling my own Wine from source, which worked great. But all of this is a huge reason why I hesitate to recommend and install Linux on friends and relatives’ computers. Linux is awesome for hobbyists and self-made admins. But not so great for people that just want to use their computer as a tool. Linux is wonderful if you never leave the confines of the packages available to you. So traditionally we had a choice. Either upgrade every year (nuke and pave as Rob says), or run a stable LTS edition that never gets new packages except when security needs dictate. Pottering’s idea will help us find the middle ground, and could actually make a true rolling distro possible. The holy grail of Linux. It also makes the “Canterberry Project” a little more possible.

    But anyway I understand why Rob doesn’t care for LAS. I like MintCast better also!

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