mintCast 202 – Mint 17 Cinnamon and Mate

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Main Topic: Linux Mint 17 Qiana – Cinnamon & Mate

  • Linux Mint 17 Qiana Cinnamon & Mate editions available for download
    (Cinnamon) (Mate)


  • Linux Mint Essentials from Packt Publishing (


  • 11 things to do after installing Linux Mint 17 (

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Hosts: Rob, Scott, Joe
Live Stream every other Sunday 2:00 p.m.(Central):

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (
The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.
Thanks to KWisher for the use of his PiCaster.
Thanks to the Linuxbasix gang for the use of their Mumble server.

5 Replies to “mintCast 202 – Mint 17 Cinnamon and Mate”

  1. Brian36, Dorset, UK

    Hi Guys – Thanks for the show. I was especially interested in your comments about Mate, Joe. I’d already tried out LM17Mate on a rather tired old Asrock machine with a duff memory socket. That worked fine. So with trepidation I put LM17Mate on my main machine, an Acer M3920. No problem. Operational speed was OK. Yes, I maintain a separate Home partition which I don’t reformat so all is as I wanted it, altho I do backup my pics and docs. My favourite podcasts? Mintcast, LinuxLuddites and UUPC so that’s my washing-up, car wash and outside jobs sorted!

  2. Bill in Michigan

    Hiya guys. Great show on Qiana. I was particularly interested because I FINALLY took the plunge to Qiana Mate after 4 years on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04. A few things…

    The login screen. I wasn’t on the HTML version for long but I think it did the same thing as the GDM version I’m using now – it remembers the last login name so it only needs the password. Maybe you didn’t log in enough or this feature isn’t enabled by default, I’m not sure. Anyway, the setting is in “Login Window” Options tab: “Automatically select the last logged in user”. Believe it or not, this feature was one of a bunch of little things that made me jump on Quiana.

    But my biggest reason is compiz. After years of hacking-only, it runs pretty well on Qiana Mate. I know it’s not for everyone and still too tempermental for new users and I don’t think any of you guys run it, but I’m hooked on “ezoom” (Enhanced Zoom Desktop). Rob, that teeny tiny diff window is no problem when you can zoom in quickly. It’s like having young eyes again! 🙂

    Last… and did I miss the mention… Qiana LTS goes to 2019. I like to latch on for awhile and let the young-uns play with those 9-monthers. Heck, it takes me that long to settle into a distro. 😀

    See ya next time!

  3. anthonyvenable110

    Yes thanks guys. I had been eagerly anticipating this release for a while now. I am happy to see that thet are giving more information in the update manager. I was a bit annoyed in hearing about the excessive RAM usage in this version. Hopefully it wont be like that on my machines. Also, I never thought of using the native usb creator on lm as i have always used unetbootin, does it work better? I would hope so as unetbootin is slow with updating to the newest version which i find annoying as well.

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