mintCast 200 – mintCast Memories

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Main Topic: mintCast Memories (from

  • Episode 1 – Original episode was 38 minutes long (11/24/2008)
  • Episode 49 – Charles and Rothgar announcing they were leaving (12/21/2010)
  • Episode 51 – James and Harrison on Linux games (1/30/2011)
  • Episode 52 – Original interviews with Charles (2/07/2011)
  • Episodes 55-64 – Original introductions (03/2011-05/2011)
  • Episodes 59 and 154 – The “Canterbury” segments (1/4/2011 and 1/4/2013)
  • Episode 172 – Joe’s first show (8/19/2013)


Pre-Show Music:

Podcast Announcements:

  • mintCast is shifting to a new schedule! We are going to be recording on alternate Sundays at 2:00 p.m. Next Podcast will be Sunday, May 18, 2014 (To sync with Linux Luddites!)

More Information:

Hosts: Rob, Scott
Live Stream every other Sunday 2:00 p.m.(Central):

Contact Us:

More Linux Mint info: website, blog, forums, community


Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

8 Replies to “mintCast 200 – mintCast Memories”

  1. 3dbloke

    FYI, guys. The episode 200 OGG downloaded from the RSS feed ( is in fact episode 172 from August 11 2013. I tried deleting the download and getting it again, and got the same wrong file. I’ve downloaded the OGG from this page and it’s the right file 🙂

    • richardquirk

      The RSS feed has about 180 attachments(!) for this episode, one of which is the 200.ogg and one is the 172.ogg. I download the show through a tiny tiny rss server, and that software did manage to parse out the correct ogg file. This rings a bell, I’m sure they’ve mentioned it on the podcast before (“it’s wordpress’s fault”) and I guess it depends on what RSS reading application you use as to what show you get. It could have been an even older vintage – buried in the feed is episode 1 🙂

      • mintCast

        Grrr… The WordPress RSS generator leaves *a lot* to be desired. It appears that there are a whole bunch of episodes references in the RSS. I think it’s because I had linked to all the episodes we talked about in the main section. WordPress threw an enclosure link in for every one of them! I removed all the links, and it removes them from the RSS feed, but still leaves 11 enclosures to Episode 200.

        As far as I recall, the RSS specification only defines what happens for ONE enclosure, but dos not specifically preclude multiple enclosures. This may force us to go away from the native RSS generator. !%$%@#$%

  2. Brian36, Dorset, UK

    Mintcast 200! Well done guys. Please K E E P the intro chat. And, thanks Joe, I’m now one of your regular listeners. A good ideas to alternate the two podcasts. Thanks.
    4MLinux does an Linux antivirus distro using Clam to cleanup a ruined Windows box. It’s basic, called ‘Antivirus Live’ and it works. I’ve just had a call from a Windows XP user who wants me to put on Mint. I wonder why?
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Kerry

    Morning Gentlemen, I just thought you could make a mention of an ‘Introduction to Linux’ course run by the Linux Foundation that will become available through the website. If you’ve not heard of EDX before they offer online courses in a wide range of subjects free of charge although they have introduced a ‘Verified Certificate of Achievement’ for a fee. The above Linux course charges $250 which may seem a little pricey but you can choose the ‘audit’ option to study the course for free. The link is :

  4. Mike

    Congratulations on your 200th podcast – great stamina!

    I’m still catching up on episode listening but I must follow up on your mention of the Pale Moon browser recently. When Firefox 29 hit the streets on April 29 the backlash to the new ‘Australis’ interface was strong. Many of us are annoyed at the gratuitous ugliness and more than a few are absolutely furious about the reduction of customizability (shades of gnome shell) and browser add-on breakage. In my case Pale Moon came to the rescue on both Linux Mint and Windows. It also starts up faster and uses less memory. Give it a try!

  5. Boris

    I wasn’t too affected by australis in Firefox because I have had a certain dark skin for some time. Its keeping look more or less the same. And yes, i’ve just started to listen podcasts and you are my first subscription. There so much to cach up. Like it all: lin

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