mintCast 199 – Online Backup Services

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Main Topic: Online Backup Services


    • Peter Zaborszky – “As a small business running websites (online games actually), after a certain point I realised I could lose everything if I don’t back everything up frequently. I started searching for backup solutions online, only to find there were a huge amount of providers, and I didn’t know who to choose!

      Then I had an idea, if other people have this problem, they’ll probably be interested in a review site for online backup and cloud backup solutions!

      So that’s how it started, I’ve been building the site ever since, reviewing all providers as much as I can!”



  • 16 commands to check hardware information on Linux
    • This post takes a quick look at some of the most commonly used commands to check information and configuration details about various hardware peripherals and devices. The list includes lscpu, hwinfo, lshw, dmidecode, lspci etc.

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

6 Replies to “mintCast 199 – Online Backup Services”

  1. 3dbloke

    Enjoyed the show. When I first listened to a MintCast (late 2013, I think) the sometimes irrelevant chat and waffle at the start did rather annoy… impatient to hear the “real” tech content… but now I *really*enjoy*it*. Perhaps an acquired taste 🙂 It makes the show what it is.

  2. Bill In Michigan

    Hi guys. Some notes on the important HeartBleed stuff…

    Just wanted to clarify in case anyone was confused. I compile OpenWrt for my routers. I did say OpenVPN in chat and include that, too, but it sounded a little weird. I’m no developer but OpenWrt has made it easy enough – even I can do it. 🙂 So I suggest anyone that wants to know their routers to take a look at it.

    I last compiled in OpenWrt in 2012, which sounds bad for heartbleed, but luckily the version is 0.9.8 which is pre-1.0.1 so not vulnerable. Yeah, the embedded guys are a wee bit behind.

    But here’s a tip for Ubuntu Server 12.04, which should apply to equivalent Mint 13. if you run ‘openssl version’, you get a vulnerable looking response, even after seeing the update go by back on Apr 7:

    ~openssl version
    OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012 (ouch!?)

    The tip. Be sure and add the ‘-a’ to see all the details:

    ~openssl version -a
    OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012
    built on: Mon Apr 7 20:31:55 UTC 2014 (yay!)
    platform: debian… (snip)

    Yep, they patched the OLD version. You don’t get 1.0.1g but a patched version of 1.0.1 and you’re good to go. Don’t you love the confusion?

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Carl Deaver

    New Listener here, I have not acquired taste to intro chatter, hope that changes.

    Comments on Backup:
    1) One more scenario to loss of your data in cloud could be that the IRS could shut down site due to illegal content. Not your data, but someone’s data on site may have caused IRS to shut down site, and I’ve heard reports where they take entire site down based on someone’s content.

    2) Saving your data from a system point of view, I like to use clonezilla . You could save created images on one of the cloud storage sites.

    3) I created a perl script, which is cross platform, that maintains a mirror image to a given folder, including sub directories. I have an automated schedule to run this script daily to image various share points in my network. So I just edit data in share point, and weekly it is backed up. If I make huge changes, I can always manually fire of this script against that share point.

    4) NAS solutions. I did purchase Western Digital mycloud edition. I was planning on using it as content source, but the access time on that devise is horrible. There are constantly 2 to 5 second pauses in data transfers that make it very frustrating to use real time. Even if just move your view from one folder to another. I’ve switched that device to be the archive image instead of content source.

    Thanks for this podcast, looking forward to hearing new ones, and going through your archives.

    Carl Deaver

  4. zorgshanker

    Hey guys, first time listener here. I really enjoyed the show, now i’ll have to go back and listen to old episodes.

    I’m also running a Synology NAS (Synology’s DSM on regular hardware actually), i was surprised to hear Crashplan mentionned! I’ll definitely have to give it a second try….and install a copy at my mom’s place for offsite backups 😛 Good stuff.

    The one that let’s you “share” storage space to the pool is called Symform, also available for DSM (might be through additional sources though, i’d have to check.)

    Looking forward to catch the next show.

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