mintCast 198 – Personal Finances

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Main Topic: Personal Finance Management Software

  • General Overview of Available Software:
  • Online Financial Management Applications: (


  • Difference Between su and sudo and How to Configure sudo in Linux (thanks to James Eaton)
    • Linux System is much secured than any of its counterpart. One of the way to implement security in Linux is the user management policy and user permission. normal users are not authorized to perform any system operations.
    • A normal user needs to use either “su” or “sudo” command to perform any system wide changes.

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

7 Replies to “mintCast 198 – Personal Finances”

  1. Bob K.

    The best replacement for Windows XP, would be Mint KDE edition. KDE is allot more similar to XP or 7, in terms of looks and functionality than any other Linux desktop enviroment.

  2. Brian Ackroyd

    Caja was mentioned in the podcast. This is a Spanish word and so I assume that it was intended that it should be pronounced in the Spanish way, namely ‘ca-ha’ ( ‘j’ is pronounced as an English ‘h’).
    Meaning of caja: drawer, box, crate, case, cash, casing.

    In messages in Spanish you’ll occasionally see ‘ja ja’ – that is equivalent to ‘ha ha’ in English. Both sound exactly the same when pronounced in the appropriate language.

  3. 3dbloke

    I commented on GnuCash a few episodes ago, so it was interesting to hear more on it. In my case, I’m in the UK and Intuit stopped supporting UK customers after they released Quicken 2005. I continued using that version, increasingly concerned about the lack of support as I progressed through the new versions of Windows.

    When I had Quicken 2005 running on Windows 7, I decided enough was enough. Early in 2013 the GnuCash devs had released a Windows version and I gave it a try. Migration from Quicken was not too tricky, but there were some changes to make my Quicken categories map conveniently to GnuCash’s double-entry methodology.

    For my own benefit I kept records of the changes I made and the GnuCash import problems I faced. Without that kind of attention to detail it would probably have been impossible to migrate the data, going back as far as 1995. It took about an elapsed month of tweaking my Quicken data to minimise the migration issues but I was eventually victorious!

    I do not do any online banking in GnuCash (and did not in Quicken), so I can’t comment on the reliability or ease of use of those features. Overall, I like the GnuCash UI. The tabbed accounts views are very similar to those of Quicken. Some of the account set up (properties) dialog windows are a little cramped with lists that are simply too small, and it was quite tedious during the migration and subsequent tweaking of account details. But after all that has been done I find GnuCash pretty much as easy to use as Quicken ever was.


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