mintCast 184 – Point Linux

184] Download


  • Linux Mint 16 release candidate available for download– Clement Lefebvre has announced that the release candidate for Linux Mint 16 is out and ready for testing: “The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 16 ‘Petra’ RC. Linux Mint 16 is the result of six months of incremental development on top of stable and reliable technologies. This new release comes with updated software and brings refinements and new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.”. (Cinnamon) (Mate)
  • Debian finds itself caught up in the “init war”, technical panel to decide direction for next release – The leader of the Debian GNU/Linux project, Lucas Nussbaum, has announced that the question of which init system will be the default in the next release, Jessie, will be decided by the project’s technical committee. (
  • Google Books are ruled legal in a huge win for Fair Use – A long-running copyright lawsuit between the Authors’ Guild and Google over its book-scanning project is over, and Google has won on the grounds that its scanning is “fair use”. (
  • Sourceforge responds to the GIMPs departure – A week after the developers of popular graphics-wrangling app the GIMP bailed from SourceForge rather than endure the many odd ads it encourages, the site has responded with a scheme that makes its users the arbiters of acceptable ads. (
  • Sailfish OS Smartphones to hit the market later this month – Finnish startup Jolla has revealed when the first batch of its Sailfish OS based smartphones will be available to customers, along with new information about what software will be on offer when the devices ship. (

Main Topic: A look at Point Linux

  • Point Linux (Point Linux) is a GNU/Linux distribution that aims to combine the power of Debian GNU/Linux with the productivity of MATE, the Gnome 2 desktop environment fork. Point Linux provides an easy to set up and use distribution for users, looking for a fast, stable and predictable desktop.



Podcast Announcements:

  • Watch for “Event” announcements in the mintCast Community on Google+ to find out when we’re recording!
  • Mumble Server: The LinuxBasix community funded the mumble server we currently use to live stream and record mintCast. Since they have segmented a bit, jneuster has funded it privately. While ~$5 runs the server for a month, it would be nice if it was community funded. (
  • London Cryptofestival: Whatever your paranoia, now is not the time to give up on the internet. It’s time for a CryptoFestival! On November 30th we’re coming together to build on the success of the CryptoParty movement and to reclaim our right to communicate and experiment on the internet. (
  • Linux Voice: We want to create an even better magazine; a bigger, more entertaining and more accountable magazine for the community we love to serve. The magazine we want to make is called Linux Voice. (
  • Thanksgiving Break: The mintCast team will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday and will record our next episode on Sunday, December 1st. Check Google+ for the specific recording time.

More Information:

Hosts: Rob, Scott, Joe
Live Stream (Mondays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern):
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More Linux Mint info: website, blog, forums, community

Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

2 Replies to “mintCast 184 – Point Linux”

  1. RootDr

    Regarding Mate (Gnome2) desktop used by Point Linux, I would suggest you take a look at
    Stella Linux. Stella is Centos based (not a fork) and uses the Gnome2 desktop. Since Stella is based on Centos it is super stable and just works out of the box. Don’t let the fact that Stella is a one man project keep you from reveiwing this outstanding distro.Link is


  2. anthonyvenable110

    I was listening to this one today and I really enjoyed the conversation about Debian. While I don’t understand the intricacies of “init systems” i do agree that Debian should play the conservative role and allow the more daring distros to test the waters first. This is important since there are so many distros that are based on either Debian itself or a derivative of it.

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