mintCast 179 – A Pi in the Cloud

179] Download


  • Ubuntu vs Linux Mint: Distrowatch Ratings Don’t Matter, Dude! Is Distrowatch in fact an indicator of something extremely important…that people are looking for alternatives to Ubuntu? (
  • Would Linux survive if Ubuntu died? Ubuntu is one of the best known and widely used Linux distributions. What would happen if it suddenly died? Would Linux survive? ( (
  • Updated Debian 7: 7.2 released. The Debian project is pleased to announce the second update of its stable distribution Debian 7 (codename “wheezy”). (
  • NHS tears out its Oracle Spine in favour of open source. The UK government’s quest to get public services to use more open source technologies seems to be taking hold, judging by the revamp of the NHS’s very large Spine service. ( ( PDF ~2MB)

Main Topic: The Raspberry Pi as a Cloud?

  • arkOS ( is a lightweight Linux-based operating system that runs on a Raspberry Pi. But arkOS more than just an operating system — it is a full software stack managing your self-hosting experience in an intuitive and intelligent way. arkOS does the work for you.
  • Installing ownCloud on Raspberry Pi – Presenting a ready-to-install image of ownCloud for Raspberry Pi. (
  • Build Your Own Cloud Storage with Raspberry Pi and BitTorrent Sync – Don’t believe the hype: the Cloud is far from secure. But have no fear – now you can forget Dropbox once and for all, and show the authorities a solid middle finger by rolling your own private, unlimited, and secure cloud storage platform with a Raspberry Pi and BitTorrent Sync. (
  • Raspberry Pi ownCloud – How to build a your own personal Dropbox-like service using a Raspberry Pi and some software called ownCloud. ownCloud gives you freedom and control over your own data. It’s a personal cloud which runs on your own server. (


Podcast Announcements:

  • OggCamp next week … 19th/20th October (
  • Watch for “Event” announcements in the mintCast Community on Google+ to find out when we’re recording!

More Information:

Hosts: Rob, Scott, Joe
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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

2 Replies to “mintCast 179 – A Pi in the Cloud”

  1. Brian Ackroyd

    I’m an episode of Mintcast behind – so that’s why I’m commenting late.

    I use ‘Podcast Addict’ on Android for my podcast listening. I have a phone, connected to my house sound system, dedicated to podcasts, music and remote-controlling RasPi XBMC on my kitchen TV with Yatsi. I found Yatsi to be better than the official XBMC remote – at least when I tried it some time ago.

    When I was at Ogg Camp, Alan Pope stated that there would be ‘convergence of Ubuntu Touch and the Desktop by April 2014’. So I guess that means MIR will be sorted by then.

    As far as the NHS is concerned I’d much rather have what we have in the UK than the obscene system, which appears to prevail in the US, where you don’t get treated unless you’ve got the appropriate insurance. That is really scary ! Healthcare should always be provided, in full, to all who need it, and should never be based on the ability to pay. In this regard, IMHO, that is the only way a society can rightly state that it is civilised.

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