mintCast 170 – OpenStreetMap

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The Main Topic: OpenStreetMap

Tip & Website in one:

  • from Gus deMayo …
    I have a tip for the Arch, Manjaro or Antergos users in the audience. After having played around with Manjaro for a while, I developed a bit of a preference for pacman over apt-get, but since this is a Linux Mint centered show, I found a script called PacApt that creates aliases within bash for all the apt-get commands so you can use both the commands for apt-get and pacman interchangably. This also works with RPM based distros using YUM according to the Lifehacker article that I found this in. (
    I also found the Pacman Rosetta page on the Arch Wiki to be helpful as it shows a chart with the equivalent commands in apt-get, pacman, yum, zypper, the gentoo package manager emerge, and the old Suse package manager rug. I thought this might help people like me who have really only used apt-get and are just starting to play around with other distro bases. (Arch Wiki Rosetta)

Podcast Announcements:

  • Remember that Reglue is holding an indiegogo fundraiser to secure funding for operations for the coming year. You can help out by making any donation you can afford. (

  • Watch for a special Euro-friendly live recording on August 18 at 2:00 p.m. CDT (1900 UTC).

More Information:

Hosts: Rob & Scott
Live Stream (Mondays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern):
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More Linux Mint info: website, blog, forums, community

Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

7 Replies to “mintCast 170 – OpenStreetMap”

    • mintCast

      That was my (Rob’s) bonehead typo! Thanks for picking it up. As for the multiple enclosure lines, that seems to be a WordPress “feature” of some sort. We don’t have direct control over the RSS file contents.

  1. Marty Kamp

    Two problems, if I may…. one is I’m having trouble finding a MP3 copy of the podcast to download. Are you not doing MP3 any more? Two is I’m having trouble hearing Rob – it sounds like he is sitting across the room from the microphone. I’m sure my old ears are part of the problem, but Rob sounds more distant in the last few weeks. Snug up to the mike please, Rob.

    Now the good stuff… For me, MINTCAST is useful as well as entertaining, otherwise I would not bother writing. Many thanks and please keep up the good work.

    Marty Kamp in northern California.

    • mintCast


      Thanks for the feedback.

      The MP3 is in a separate, next-to-last posting each week so that we can have a separate RSS feed for the MP3 version. Alternately, you can always go to and search for mintCast. The recent episodes are all up there, generally in a URL like “” where “###” is the episode number.

      Also, Rob’s working on his audio “issues” and is trying to get better. Sorry he’s a bit distant. 🙂

  2. Nick the Linux Mint fan

    Always enjoy the mintCast. It is informative and sometimes amusing. Keep up the great work guys and know your efforts are appreciated. Incidentally, I enjoy the preamble at the start of the show. 😉

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