mintCast 161: Thoughts on WiFi Security

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  • The Linux Mint 15 Olivia RC is now available for download (
  • Linux Mint 15 Most Ambitious Release Ever (
  • Ubuntu’s single platform SDK to be ship shape by October (
  • While Jono Bacon “Dogfoods” the new Ubuntu Phone (
  • Critical Linux Exploit In The Wild (

The Main Topic: Thoughts on WiFi Security

  1. Use https:// – Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network. Technically, it is not a protocol in and of itself; rather, it is the result of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the SSL/TLS protocol. (
    • A site must be completely hosted over HTTPS, without having some of its contents loaded over HTTP, or the user will be vulnerable to some attacks and surveillance.(
    • Force secure Web browsing is an extension for a browser or a built-in feature forces an SSL/TLS connection to a website that offers a secure alternative to a plain http connection even when you click a link or type in a URL to the unsecured location.
  2. Virtual Private Network (VPN) – A VPN connection encrypts all the data between a device and a VPN server on the other end.
  3. SSH Tunnel – You probably use SSH (Secure Shell) to access the command line on your machines remotely. In addition to providing secure access to shell accounts, SSH can also securely transport other kinds of web traffic as well. In a sense, it can provide you with a quick and easy VPN into the remote network where your SSH server resides. ( (

Featured Website:

  • ( was first launched in 1996 by a handful of Open Source enthusiasts and security experts who recognized a void in the availability of accurate and insightful news relating to open source security issues. Led by Dave Wreski, who currently serves as chief executive officer of Guardian Digital, this group has grown into a global network of collaborators who devote their time to gathering and publicizing the latest security news, advisories and reports relevant to the Linux community. Headquartered in Guardian Digital’s offices in Allendale, New Jersey,’s editorial and web development staff also creates feature articles, commentaries and surveys designed to keep readers informed of the latest Linux advancements and to promote the general growth of Linux around the world.


  • A basic beginner guide to getting started with Inkscape. (

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

6 Replies to “mintCast 161: Thoughts on WiFi Security”

  1. Corbin (@Ravetcofx1337)

    Hello My Fiends, I have been insanley buzy…. I like the new site and I have been well, how about you guys? I havent even had time to listen to the last 4 eppisodes O.O
    I am really pumped about Mint 15 aswell, when the full realease comes out, I will write a review for you guys 🙂
    I really enjoy Cinnamon 1.8 and used it through the nighlys all the way from 1.4
    When my schooling is done I will work on my weekly section for the podcast (assuming you still want that?)
    As you know I hate Windows, as it is slow, and buggy, and ect ect. But I Recently discovred that Macintoshes arnt all that bad compared to Windows, its faster, snapier, and more customizable, This doesnt mean I’m Switching!!! I will stay with my Mint Boxes for quite awile.
    In other news my desktop is lovely, I resently purchased a Geforce 610 and it is 3x as powerful as my old Geforce 9600 (which died), I am not a heavy gamer as I only code in java play a Bit of Minecraft/Amnseia/Super Hexagon and other Humble Indie Games.
    In even more new I got my first permenent Job at Dennys! (as a Dishboy for now) Yet Im woking up to be a cook…

    Nice to hear your Linuxy Dripping voices again! You will hear more of me after school is over.

    ~Hej Du!

    PS. Sorry for the messy Writing/grammer/Spelling, its hard to write and listen to you at the same time 🙂

    • mintCast

      Well, that’s interesting. A little spelunking has revealed that I wasn’t as “finished” as I thought! Email to the domain is suddenly arriving again!

      “Of course it was plugged in … you think I’m some kind of dummy?”

      • bananabob

        spelunking – Now there is a word you don’t hear every day! Especially in a technical problem solving sense.

  2. ibm450

    Please check meta details on the uploads as te are not displaying correct details when downloaded into a podcast player


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