mintCast 154: Silver Linings Playback

Listen: mintcast154.mp3 or mintcast154.ogg

Gramps Garage:


  • Linux Mint Debian 201303 released! ( )
  • May 9th will be Black Thursday for three Ubuntu versions. ( )
  • Matthew Garrett blogs about the real threat to user freedom – Restricted Boot. (Matthew’s blog )
  • The Linux Foundation is providing training for NASA as it migrates away from Windows. ( )
  • Ouya begins shipping game consoles to early-bird backers… ( )
  • …while confirming that thousands of developers are coding on the platform. ( )
  • After just six years, IBM’s Roadrunner Super Computer is retired. ( )
  • The Infamous Canterbury Project April Fools joke celebrates its 2nd anniversary ( )

The Main Topic:

  • Are today’s Linux schisms a blessing in disguise? (

Featured Tip & Website in one:


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Hosts:: Rob, Scott, James

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

12 Replies to “mintCast 154: Silver Linings Playback”

  1. Lieven

    Hi guys, I haven’t listened to the entire episode yet (just finished with the news), but to me it’s already a stellar episode. The “Gramp’s Garage” segment is most definitely a keeper, I got all excited about trying out Shelr after listening to that part. So after I was done doing the dishes (aye, I listen to mintCast whilst (oh, how we miss James) doing the dishes. Oddly enough it even makes me look forward to it.) I ran to my computer opened Firefox and typed in “oss sheller”, but nothing was found in the openSUSE build service.
    Then I went to this episode on the website, but I couldn’t find the link so I relistened to the Gramp’s Garage segment to find out the correct name. So this time I typed in “oss shelr” but still nothing. “Well okay, so it probably isn’t available for openSUSE, let’s check their site, so maybe I can get a tar-file or either build it from source.”
    So I went back to the website, but I forgot that you didn’t have a link in the show notes, so I relistened to the Gramp’s Garage segment to find out the site (did I tell you I liked the Gramp’s Garage segment yet?) and went to their site. Unfortunately it isn’t available, so I downloaded it on my Bodhi Linux install on my very small and old HP netbook. Maybe later I will swing by GitHub to see if I can try and compile it.
    So this is just a very long winded way to thank you for making a great show and saying that you forgot to put the link to the screencasting software for shell sessions named shelr of which the homepage is
    Love the show guys and looking forward to the next one… and so does my wife, because those dishes are starting to pile up again.

    • scott


      Sorry to make you run around trying to find shelr. I fixed the show notes so the link is in there now. Thanks for listening, but don’t talk to loudly about how the show helps you get the dishes done, or my wife might get some ideas.

      – Scott

  2. max

    Hey Guys,

    I couldn’t add this podcast normally to my MP3 player because you have an Ogg file in your MP3 feed. I had to manually download it. Just thought you should know!!!

    You don’t have to add this to the comments! Please fix!

    Thank you!!!

  3. richard

    Regarding the slight confusion you had about Ubuntu 10.04 and whether it had 5 or 3 years of support…

    10.04 has 5 years of support, but only on the server. On the desktop it has had 3 years of support, which is what ends in May.

    What does this mean? Well, from next month onwards there will be further security updates for the Linux kernel, Apache, Mysql, etc. but not for desktop packages like Firefox, Thunderbird and so on. If you go into Synaptic and click a supported package name, in the description it will give you the date when Canonical ends support for it.

  4. Nagilum

    WTF? 48kbit mp3?
    I’m sorry,but if you don’t have the bandwidth to host in 96kbit or more at least pick a codec that’s usable at 48kbit like ogg or opus!
    Please make a better version available!

    • Scott


      For two years we have been producing an mp3 at 48kbit and, as far as I can recall, you are the first to make a comment like this. In your opinion, is the quality that bad? I listen to every episode after production, and I don’t hear it. I am wondering if other listeners feel this way.

      If there is a need, we can up the output from 48kbit, with the trade-off being larger file sizes. Let us know what you think,

      – Scott

  5. Thorsen V

    I had a problem with the sound quality in this episode also. There seemed to be more than usual amount of squelch-type sound artefacts that I’d normally associate with over-compression.
    (Slightly ironic given the item about mics etc)
    I still enjoyed the show BTW 🙂

  6. Nagilum

    Lots of hiss in this one, I didn’t check the bitrate of the past episodes I only looked at the file size of the previous episode and it was twice the size and I never noticed hiss like this before. So I assumed a higher bitrate…

  7. beardy_jesse

    On the topic of sound quality – I’d consider myself a long time listener and have to say there was definitely a swishy, scratchy noise in the background, particularly evident in the intro, which I’ve never had to put up with before. It was different enough from your normal high quality audio for me to delete my download and get it again hoping the issue was at my end, but it wasn’t.

    I’m only half way through as my washing up doesn’t last the full 1h 35m!!

    Keep up the great content.

    • scott

      We talked about it on the live stream last night and decided that we would standardize on 96kbit output. Please let us know if you feel the file sizes are excessive, or if we are still struggling with sound quality. Thanks for everyone’s feedback, and to Nagilum for raising the issue in the first place.

      – Scott

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