Episode 99: James And Rob Do News


  • First pics of Tizen on the Samsung I9500, or is it android cupcake? (sammobile.com)
  • openSUSE Published Release schedule for 12.2. (opensuse.org)
  • Android replacing iOS as dev platform of choice. (ostatic.com)
  • Judge rejects Oracle’s proposition to speed up Android trial. (itworld.com)

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

9 Replies to “Episode 99: James And Rob Do News”

  1. Charlie

    Do you have the link to the optimized kernels? I’ve done a bit of Google goose chasing without success. I’m looking for the i-core version you mentioned.

    Cinnamon 1.2 is now my desktop of choice, for an early version it’s awesome. I was loosing trust in Linux Mint for the endless wait and lack of info about LM LXDE, but now all is forgiven.

  2. Bill_MI

    You guys did a great job! But I bet Scott can’t wait to get on mic to defend himself.

    C’mon, folks, join us on irc.spotchat.org:#mintcast on Monday, Jan 29 at…. well… I think it’s 7pm CST (8pm EST). If you caught the end of this mintcast you know why I’m confused. 🙂

  3. Oscar

    Thank you for the mention of SAGE in your cast. 😀

    By the way, I’ve been using Cinnamon and it’s amazing. In my opinion works better than the default Gnome desk, and this last update, with applets, rules!

    Great job! Cannot wait for E100 😉 Would be any special celebration?

  4. Scott

    So, I listened to episode 99 (and heard mention that I don’t actually listen to the episodes – ha), and I have to challenge something that James said.

    With regards to the OpenSUSE releases and going to a rolling release: Tumbleweed will be the only rolling release version that the OpenSUSE community has going forward. The main release will continue to be an 8 month cycle, and not switch to rolling, as James stated. The roadmap is out there, so this is not a bold prediction on my part.

    As far as the numbering for the main releases, we have talked numerous times about how confusing it is. That being said, it isn’t random.

    Listening to the show has cured me of my ills, and I am fired up to get on the mic for episode 100.

  5. Mat Ender

    Hey you guys asked for feedback on Cinnamon. Well I am using it and loving it before Cinnamon I did not like or use Gnome but I love Cinnamon and have talked about it on the Sunday Morning Linux Review podcast.

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