Episode 97: Which Linux Is Right For You?


  • NASA opens its open-source code doors. (zdnet.com)
  • Did your system take a dive with Linux 3.2? (phoronix.com)
  • Sean Haas of Dreckig OS releases another version with the makings of a GUI. (code.google.com)

The Main Topic: Choosing a Distro

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

14 Replies to “Episode 97: Which Linux Is Right For You?”

        • chattr

          tyvm Rob. when gpodder polled the ogg feed, the new episode showed up. I don’t listen via the website, so I’m satisfied. Keep up the good work and thanks for an interesting podcast.

  1. Doctor K

    Another downfall of Linux 3.2 is that the ndiswrapper module doesn’t build against it and thus disables any wireless drivers that depend on it

      • Doctor K

        I just tried building the latest Precise 3.2 kernel to test things and ndiswrapper is still broken. It won’t even build manually using DKMS or Module-Assistant

  2. Charlie

    As they say “No good turn goes unpunished”. If you’re the only “Linux Guy” around then make sure you’ve got plenty of free time and lots of patience before recommending anything. Or, add a disclaimer… “This recommendation does not come with a lifetime of free support from me”

  3. carmine

    Perhaps as a general rule Linux based OS’s should be divided into two categories: one for geeks(like Arch Linux)and the other for Windows users (like Mint,Zorin, etc). One comment on the youtube channel was very succicnt: “why should I waste time solving $%@&! puzzles!” 🙂

  4. rodspi

    Just listened to episode. The ATI open source drivers for ubuntu based distro from 11.04 will not work properly because of a bug related to the new gallium drivers, kernel mode setting and opengl rendering see


    Prior to 11.04 you could turn off kernel mode setting(KMS) in grub conf files and get the driver to work see.


    Gallium driver does not have settings to turn off KMS.

    My solution for ati x1270 netbook was to buy a new intel graphic card, 4500hd, to avoid the problem with mainly ati, but also nvidia. I figured that intel is a consistent partner in linux projects and readily provides specs and code to community

  5. MaTachi

    I’m from Sweden! :O

    I haven’t read much more than headlines about Kopimism now being officially recognized as a religion.
    But Kopimism comes from the Swedish word Kopiera, which in English is Copy. So Kopimism would probably be translated to Copyism. The founder, or now high priest, is Isak Gerson, a member of the Swedish pirate party.
    I think it’s more or less a joke, and that they only pretend that it’s something really serious for them. ^^

    Here is more information if you are interested:

    And I wouldn’t say that Sweden is particular open sourcey. At least I don’t get that impression of the Swedish IT news. I never read about Linux deployments by the government, or that they would invest in open source software in schools or such. So I suppose Sweden is just as open source driven as the average country… :/

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