Episode 95: 2011 In Review


The Main Topic: 2011 in Review

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

8 Replies to “Episode 95: 2011 In Review”

  1. Charlie

    I hope in 2012 the Linux community will finally learn that the opinions of ‘the loudest voices’ are not the opinions of the majority. Until this happens we will never see ‘the year of the Linux desktop’

  2. merelyjim

    Good recap of the year.

    I hope everyone enjoys some downtime with friends and family over the holidays, and look forward to next year, and the next podcast.

    [No paraphrasing necessary, James – Ha!]

  3. DonsEars

    Great show. Among your best yet. Favorite quote, referring to the audio quality, “It sounds a lot better, the dribble I come out with.” Made me laugh. Have a great Christmas and New Year. Thanks.

    – Don

  4. Beardy Jesse

    Hi guys, I’m a massive fan of the show – you can add me to your London based contingent of listeners – so please excuse me if I spell colour incorrectly.

    I enjoyed the look back at this years news but was heartbroken for James as the news of the first glimpse of the Higgs Boson broke after you’d recorded the podcast, and I’m sure his phrase “It doesn’t look like it exists” (excuse the paraphrase!) will now go down in mintcast history.

    Also I feel I should share the knowledge that the excellent Gnome Shell Extensions website works beautifully – but ONLY with firefox.

    Keep up the good work and enjoy the holidays.

    Beardy Jesse

    • Harrison

      Hey there Jesse, I saw your comment and I just had to respond! Colour rocks 😛 Anyway, to everyone else out there who may read this, I’m semi-retired from the podcast but who knows, I may come back as a full time host.


  5. Harrison

    Okay now for a comment on the show itself, you guys forgot about the Gmail thing, that Gmail motion thingy. Also, Slackware was reduced to version 1 for April 1st morning 😛

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