Episode 94: Listener Feedback


  • Red Hat’s proposed changes to the file system and syslog: Good for Linux? (itworld.com)
  • Gimp 2.7.4 due by Christmas, 2.8 to follow within 30-60 days. (gimpusers.com)

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13 Replies to “Episode 94: Listener Feedback”

  1. FNC

    Hi, Thank you for your great podcast.
    I have to give my opinion on Piracy. I have to agree with Scott. The media made the connection to Piracy. Richard Stallman has very strong opinions on this, and he’s view is that software should be free and that proprietary software is in fact morally wrong.
    Who are we to argue with the farther of GNU/Linux?

  2. FNC

    Second to my first comment. We should remember that there is a difference between “free as in money” and free as in “freedom”. The question is not that software should have no cost, it’s weather there should be limitations on the way I use the software.

  3. IronHelixx

    Hey, Guys – another great show. Enjoyed it.

    I would like to take issue with one thing though.

    James mentioned my comment from episode 93 in the feedback section. I was a bit surprised though that James did not read my comment directly like Scott and Rob usually do – instead he “paraphrased” portions of it and seriously misrepresented my comment while embellishing significantly.

    I never stated that Ubuntu and Mint are tied (as in crossed the finish line at the same time) in popularity – I said that Mint’s popularity was tied to Ubuntu’s rise in popularity.

    My point being that if Mint had been based on Fedora instead of Ubuntu during Ubuntu’s rise to power, Mint would not probably have taken off the way it has.

    James was correct in that I said that people like Mint because it is based on Ubuntu and includes all the hardware support and the good stuff of Ubuntu with all the goodness of Mint on top of that – which made for a powerful combo. A view that Scott and Rob seemed to concur with later in the show.

    Anyway – still love the show but that irked me a bit because most of what James said was not even in my comment yet he mentioned me and I do not wish to be associated with those views.

    Keep up the good work – enjoy your overall product and all the disparate views you each bring to the table.

    Have a great one!

  4. Bob K.

    They need to work on high color support first!. Over 8 bit. Who gives a hoot about tablet support. You “don’t” edit photos on a tablet. Picasa 3.9 for Windows came out today. Linux version still on 3.0 beta. Pathetic!. Where is the Picasa 3.9 for Linux Final. As for Gimp developers, you are correct about 2 developers for the
    “photoshop” of Linux. Gimp 3.0 should take another 5 years. We need Paintshop Pro X4 for Linux, since Adobe has no plans whatsoever making a native port.

  5. Bob K.

    Gimp with 2 developers. Where is all the support from RedHat, Canonical, Mint, etc to help contribute developers to the Gimp project. Right now Gimp is no more than the Paint.net of Linux. That project has one developer. Gimp should have 50 or more developers to be a project to develop a prosumer/professional photo editor for Linux.

  6. Bob K.

    Need to know if Gimp works with these plugins. They work with Photoshop, Lightroom, and most work with Paintshop Pro X4 as well as Photoshop Elements. These are commercial plugins, but there is nothing in the Linux world that comes close. Would I pay for them if they were available on Linux. Yes!. These plugins are not just for professionals, but for enthusiasts as well. Check them out and see what Linux users are missing out on. Because more development goes into a fancy user interfaces like, Gnome 3 and Unity instead of productivity apps for Linux. Gnome 2 didn’t need to be changed. It was modern looking, like OSX. Final Rant!.

    Photomatix Pro
    Topaz Adjust
    Topaz Detail
    Topaz InFocus
    OnOne Plugin
    Nik Plugins
    Lucis Art 3
    Silver Efex Pro
    Genuine Fractals

  7. Bob K.

    And when I talk about productivity apps, I mean those apps where Linux is seriously lacking in. Like photography and video editing at the prosumer (enthusiast)/professional level. How many Photography books has Tony Whitmore published. Does he offer photography courses and tutorials online?.

  8. Farhad

    Dear friends,

    First I want to thank you for discussing my admittedly controversial comment and point of view on so-called “piracy”. I deeply appreciate the open-minded discussion that you guys had on this topic.

    Second, I want to issue a challenge of sorts to all of you: I challenge you to watch this:


    I know that RMS might not be everybody’s hero (full disclosure: he is most definitely my hero), but facts are facts and logic is logic regardless of who conveys them, right?

    I believe that if you watch this presentation you will have no doubt about two things: a) the current copyright system is absolutely absurd, corrupted and evil and b) making unauthorized copies of copyrighted contents is not “stealing from the artist”.

    One more thing: somebody said on the show that it is hypocritical to support the enforcement of the GPL and other forms of Copyleft (which is a ju-jitsu move on the current copyright system) while also promoting the breaking of copyright laws. That argument only holds if somebody is a complete formalist. Opposing Jim Crow laws did not entail opposing traffic laws, now did it? There is a higher, moral, Law which supersedes legality, at least for somebody with a conscience. Even more relevantly, the purpose of a law should be the greater good of the community, not just having a society law-abiding automatons. When something is immoral, or when a old system (like copyright) is misused by corporations to make money at the expense of society, disobeying this type of law is a deeply moral and ethical decision.

    For the record – following discussions between RMS and various Pirate Parties, the latter have adopted resolutions which clearly indicate their support for Copyleft and the GPL.

    Kind regards,


  9. merelyjim

    Two quick points; both concerning the Debian side of things…

    # I find that whenever I update from the command line [sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade] I get hits for new stuff, whereas if I use the Mint-update icon, there has to be a change from the Mint side of things before it picks-up on a Debian update. Honestly, I have no idea how the Mint-update process runs, but while using LMDE, I’d recommend going command-line.

    # One of my last comments about using Xfce over Gnome sounded incredibly flippant when read aloud a few weeks ago. Sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen, and it also made me reconsider a thing or two. I’ve formatted the Xfce version I had installed and put Gnome_LMDE on the netbook, and then [apt-get]-ed* Xfce so I can switch back and forth and see what changes are coming down the pike. I still think that Mint is eventually going to move to an all Debian-based release simply to avoid up-steam/down-stream problems with Ubuntu, and with the new Gnome3 extensions, I see this as the disrto I feel I can recommend and somewhat support for family and friends.

    Great job on the podcast, as always.

    * I know [apt-get]-ed isn’t a real word, but it’s what fits. Replace it with whatever sounds better, if you like.

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